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[英]Errors Creating App Package (UWP, Appx) - fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading

为UWP Win 10应用程序创建应用程序包时出现错误。


C:\\Users\\Developer\\.nuget\\packages\\nodatime\\2.4.0\\lib\\netstandard2.0\\NodaTime.pdb : fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading (PDB error code = 11)3 input PDB file is not generated by /DEBUG:fastlinkW must read and agree to the Data Collection Policy at MSPDBCMF : fatal error CMF1000: internal error

pdb文件位于上述目录中: C:\\Users\\Developer\\.nuget\\packages\\nodatime\\2.4.0\\lib\\netstandard2.0


C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\.nuget\\packages\\nodatime\\2.4.0\\lib\\netstandard2.0\\NodaTime.pdb : fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading (PDB error code = 11)3 input PDB file is not generated by /DEBUG:fastlinkW must read and agree to the Data Collection Policy at ??? before using /errorreport:send1 warning treated as error; the PDB file is intact@ specified output filename is too long (exceeding 0 characters)

注意1 :在我的机器上,该软件包实际上已成功创建,但是在VSTS上,该步骤失败,因为它在日志中检测到错误并停止。

注意2 :我很确定这不是特定于NodaTime的。 这是关于别的东西...


  • / p:AppxBundlePlatforms =“ $(BuildPlatform)”
  • / p:AppxPackageDir =“ $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\\ AppxPackages \\”
  • / p:AppxBundle =从不
  • / p:UapAppxPackageBuildMode = StoreUpload

我现在尝试使用额外的/p:DebugSymbols=false /p:DebugType=None ,但是即使失败,我也想了解并消除“ fastlink”错误。

在我的情况下,将DebugType显式设置为pdbonlyDebugType ,但是不确定是否需要可移植的调试符号,因此这可能不是您的选择。



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