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Errors Creating App Package (UWP, Appx) - fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading

I'm getting errors when Creating App Packages for a UWP Win 10 application.

On my machine the error is:

C:\\Users\\Developer\\.nuget\\packages\\nodatime\\2.4.0\\lib\\netstandard2.0\\NodaTime.pdb : fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading (PDB error code = 11)3 input PDB file is not generated by /DEBUG:fastlinkW must read and agree to the Data Collection Policy at MSPDBCMF : fatal error CMF1000: internal error

The pdb file exists in the mentioned directory: C:\\Users\\Developer\\.nuget\\packages\\nodatime\\2.4.0\\lib\\netstandard2.0

On a hosted VSTS build the error message is even more cryptic:

C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\.nuget\\packages\\nodatime\\2.4.0\\lib\\netstandard2.0\\NodaTime.pdb : fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading (PDB error code = 11)3 input PDB file is not generated by /DEBUG:fastlinkW must read and agree to the Data Collection Policy at ??? before using /errorreport:send1 warning treated as error; the PDB file is intact@ specified output filename is too long (exceeding 0 characters)

Note 1 : On my machine the package is actaully successfully created but on the VSTS build the step fails as it detects the error in logs and stops.

Note 2 : I'm pretty sure this is not NodaTime specific. This is about something else...

My msbuild switches are:

  • /p:AppxBundlePlatforms="$(BuildPlatform)"
  • /p:AppxPackageDir="$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\\AppxPackages\\"
  • /p:AppxBundle=Never
  • /p:UapAppxPackageBuildMode=StoreUpload

I am now trying with extra /p:DebugSymbols=false /p:DebugType=None , but even if it fails, I would like to understand and eliminate the 'fastlink' errors.

Explicitly setting DebugType to pdbonly worked in my case, but not sure if you need portable debug symbols or not, so this might not be an option for you.


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