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根据作为参数接收的函数,定义具有模板化键类型的std :: map

[英]Define a std::map with a templated Key type based on a function that is received as a parameter


到目前为止,我具有以下模板化函数(C ++ 11)作为唯一可编译的解决方案:

    template <typename Container, typename Function, typename KeyType>
    std::map< KeyType, std::vector<typename Container::value_type> > 
    group_by(Container &container, Function function, KeyType keyHint) { ...


// the last parameter is just a type hint for the compiler
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> m = group_by(vec, func_that_returns_an_int, 1337);
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> m = group_by(vec, func_that_returns_an_int, -1);

// if we pass a function that returns bool, the map's key will be boolean
// the last parameter passed is just a hint for the compiler
std::map<bool, std::vector<int>> m = group_by(vec, is_even, true);
std::map<bool, std::vector<int>> m = group_by(vec, is_even, false);


std::map<int, std::vector<int>> m = group_by<int>(vec, func_that_returns_an_int);
std::map<bool, std::vector<int>> m = group_by<bool>(vec, is_even);


std::map<bool, std::vector<int>> m = group_by(vec, is_even);


auto group_by(Container &container, Function function) -> std::map< decltype(function(Container::value_type)), >


group_by<int>(vec, func_that_returns_an_int);


template <typename Container, typename Function, typename KeyType>
std::map< KeyType, std::vector<typename Container::value_type> > 
group_by(Container &container, Function function, KeyType keyHint)

template <typename KeyType, typename Container, typename Function>
std::map< KeyType, std::vector<typename Container::value_type> > 
group_by(Container &container, Function function)

要完全删除KeyType ,必须从其他参数推导出它:

template <typename Container, typename Function>
auto group_by(Container &container, Function function)
-> std::map<decltype(function(*container.begin())),
            std::vector<typename Container::value_type> > 


#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename Container, typename Function, typename KeyType = std::result_of_t<Function()>>
auto group_by(Container c, Function f) -> std::map< KeyType, std::vector<typename Container::value_type>>
    return // ...

int bar() { return 42; }

int main()
    auto v = group_by(std::vector<double>{}, bar);


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