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[英]Avoiding memory leaks in POSIX thread

我开始学习POSIX线程,以及从通过malloc调用内部的pthread_create调用的函数free内存。 所以我来到了以下程序:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void *foo( void *vargp );

int main( void )
    pthread_t thread_id[5];
    const char *msg = "Hello\n";
    char **ptr = NULL;
    printf("Before Thread\n");

    for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
        pthread_create(&thread_id[i], NULL, foo, (void*)msg);

    for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
        pthread_join(thread_id[i], ( void* )&ptr );
        free( ptr );

    printf("After Thread\n");

void *foo( void *vargp )
    char *ptr = malloc( 256 * sizeof( * ptr ) );
    strcpy( ptr, (char*)vargp );
    printf("The message is: %s \n", ptr );
    pthread_exit( ptr );


valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --show-leak-kinds=all ./Demo


==5255== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==5255== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==5255== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==5255== Command: ./Demo
Before Thread
The message is: Hello

The message is: Hello

The message is: Hello

The message is: Hello

The message is: Hello

After Thread
==5255== HEAP SUMMARY:
==5255==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==5255==   total heap usage: 16 allocs, 16 frees, 5,358 bytes allocated
==5255== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==5255== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==5255== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

现在,如果我从此处删除de \\n ,这是我不理解的事情:

const char *msg = "Hello\n";

然后再次编译并运行valgrind ,我得到:

==5279== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==5279== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==5279== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==5279== Command: ./Demo
Before Thread
The message is: Hello 
The message is: Hello 
The message is: Hello 
The message is: Hello 
The message is: Hello 
After Thread
==5279== HEAP SUMMARY:
==5279==     in use at exit: 1,638 bytes in 4 blocks
==5279==   total heap usage: 16 allocs, 12 frees, 5,358 bytes allocated
==5279== 36 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 1 of 4
==5279==    at 0x4C2FB0F: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==5279==    by 0x401D329: strdup (strdup.c:42)
==5279==    by 0x4018656: _dl_load_cache_lookup (dl-cache.c:315)
==5279==    by 0x4009382: _dl_map_object (dl-load.c:2255)
==5279==    by 0x4014EE3: dl_open_worker (dl-open.c:235)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x40147C9: _dl_open (dl-open.c:605)
==5279==    by 0x53C83AC: do_dlopen (dl-libc.c:96)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x53C936E: _dl_catch_error (dl-error-skeleton.c:215)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: dlerror_run (dl-libc.c:46)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: __libc_dlopen_mode (dl-libc.c:195)
==5279==    by 0x5055DEA: pthread_cancel_init (unwind-forcedunwind.c:52)
==5279== 36 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 2 of 4
==5279==    at 0x4C2FB0F: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==5279==    by 0x400C3E7: _dl_new_object (dl-object.c:163)
==5279==    by 0x40069A4: _dl_map_object_from_fd (dl-load.c:943)
==5279==    by 0x4008FFB: _dl_map_object (dl-load.c:2389)
==5279==    by 0x4014EE3: dl_open_worker (dl-open.c:235)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x40147C9: _dl_open (dl-open.c:605)
==5279==    by 0x53C83AC: do_dlopen (dl-libc.c:96)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x53C936E: _dl_catch_error (dl-error-skeleton.c:215)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: dlerror_run (dl-libc.c:46)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: __libc_dlopen_mode (dl-libc.c:195)
==5279==    by 0x5055DEA: pthread_cancel_init (unwind-forcedunwind.c:52)
==5279== 384 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 3 of 4
==5279==    at 0x4C31B25: calloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==5279==    by 0x4011E85: _dl_check_map_versions (dl-version.c:274)
==5279==    by 0x401524B: dl_open_worker (dl-open.c:284)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x40147C9: _dl_open (dl-open.c:605)
==5279==    by 0x53C83AC: do_dlopen (dl-libc.c:96)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x53C936E: _dl_catch_error (dl-error-skeleton.c:215)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: dlerror_run (dl-libc.c:46)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: __libc_dlopen_mode (dl-libc.c:195)
==5279==    by 0x5055DEA: pthread_cancel_init (unwind-forcedunwind.c:52)
==5279==    by 0x5055FD3: _Unwind_ForcedUnwind (unwind-forcedunwind.c:126)
==5279==    by 0x5053F0F: __pthread_unwind (unwind.c:121)
==5279== 1,182 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 4 of 4
==5279==    at 0x4C31B25: calloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==5279==    by 0x400C100: _dl_new_object (dl-object.c:73)
==5279==    by 0x40069A4: _dl_map_object_from_fd (dl-load.c:943)
==5279==    by 0x4008FFB: _dl_map_object (dl-load.c:2389)
==5279==    by 0x4014EE3: dl_open_worker (dl-open.c:235)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x40147C9: _dl_open (dl-open.c:605)
==5279==    by 0x53C83AC: do_dlopen (dl-libc.c:96)
==5279==    by 0x53C92DE: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:196)
==5279==    by 0x53C936E: _dl_catch_error (dl-error-skeleton.c:215)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: dlerror_run (dl-libc.c:46)
==5279==    by 0x53C84D8: __libc_dlopen_mode (dl-libc.c:195)
==5279==    by 0x5055DEA: pthread_cancel_init (unwind-forcedunwind.c:52)
==5279== LEAK SUMMARY:
==5279==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==5279==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==5279==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==5279==    still reachable: 1,638 bytes in 4 blocks
==5279==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==5279== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==5279== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


1)-我是否正确地free() malloc


3)-我必须(必须) free() foo内部的内存吗?



2)操作系统内部有时会执行valgrind无法理解的一些奇怪的事情。 如果您不想看到这些消息,则应该取消规则( http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/manual-core.html#manual-core.suppress



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