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[英]How to parse a specified class which extends a base class using Gson?


// the data class. This contains our values
public class Data<T extends Annotation> {
    public transient final T info; // gson ignores transients
    public Data(Class<T> annotation) { info = getClass().getAnnotation(annotation); }

// the manager class, this contains numerous Data's
public class Manager<T> {
    protected final ArrayList<T> collection = new ArrayList<T>();
    public Collection<T> GetCollection() { return collection; }


// my implemented manager. It contains a bunch of MyBase objects
public class MyManager extends Manager<MyBase> {
    public MyManager() {
        collection.add(new MyCustomBase());
        // some more...

public class MyBase extends MyData {
    // some stuff for my base, such as various methods for calculating and rendering

public MyData extends Data<MyData.MyInterface> {
    public String foo;
    MyData() {
        foo = info.foo(); // handle our interface variables, since interfaces cannot be directly modified

    public @interface MyInterface {
        String foo();


@MyData.MyInterface(foo = "bar")
public class CustomBase extends MyBase {
    // other various methods for rendering and calculating, some events in here too

现在,在GSON中,我想打印出MyData中的信息。 这是我尝试执行此操作的方式:

public class Config {
    // store the 'Managers' which we want to save the data of inside of an arrayList, and then iterate through them and their contents for 'Data', then just save it.
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(myJSON);
for (Manager m : managerList) {
    for (Object o : m.GetCollection()) {
        Data d = (Data) o;
        // expected result, a json with "foo": bar
        writer.println(gson.toJson(d)); // this doesn't work, throws a stack overflow


不幸的是,这种方法行不通。 由于某些奇怪的原因,它引发了堆栈溢出。 有什么更好的方法呢?



public MyData {
    @Expose public String foo;



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