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如何将 C++ unsigned char* 转换为 C#?

[英]How to convert C++ unsigned char* to C#?

我有一个为 AES 256 加密创建的 C++ 方法,该方法有效:

void AES_Encrypt(unsigned char* message, unsigned char* expandedKey)
      unsigned char numOfRounds = 13;
      unsigned char* state = new unsigned char[16];

      AddRoundKey(state, expandedKey);
      for (int i = 0; i < numOfRounds; i++)
          //bla bla
          AddRoundKey(state, expandedKey + (16 * (i + 1)));

      // bla bla
      AddRoundKey(state, expandedKey + 224);

void AddRoundKey(unsigned char *state, unsigned char* roundKey)
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        state[i] = state[i] ^ roundKey[i];

但是当我将它翻译成 C# 时:

private void AddRoundKey(byte[] state, byte[] roundKey)
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        state[i] = (byte)(state[i] ^ roundKey[i]);


AddRoundKey(state, expandedKey + (16 * (i + 1)));
AddRoundKey(state, expandedKey + 224);

在这种情况下void AddRoundKey(unsigned char *state, unsigned char* roundKey)我如何正确翻译void AddRoundKey(unsigned char *state, unsigned char* roundKey)


void AddRoundKey(byte[] state, byte[] roundKey, int offset)
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            state[i] = (byte)(state[i] ^ roundKey[i + offset]);


        AddRoundKey(state, expandedKey, (16 * (i + 1)));
        AddRoundKey(state, expandedKey, 244);


您可以使用unsafe关键字(注意在您的项目设置中启用 unsafe)

unsafe void AddRoundKey(byte* state, byte* roundKey)
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            state[i] = (byte)(state[i] ^ roundKey[i]);

然后在调用时使用 fixed :

fixed (byte* state_pointer = state, expandedKey_pointer = expandedKey)
            AddRoundKey(state_pointer, expandedKey_pointer + 244);

stateexpandKey为 byte[] 时。


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