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[英]python pass function with argument to another function


我所做的是创建了一个名为“ parent”的函数,该函数将2个函数作为参数(ux和ui)。 但是ux也有参数,它从父函数获取参数:

import ID_Ui as Ui

ui = Ui.admin_panel()
# ui returns something like this :
'''Please choose one of the options below : 
Please press 0 if you want to exit the program .
Please press 1 if you want to exit to main menu .
Please press 2 if you want exit to previous section .
Please press 3 if you want to create/modify user account .
Please press 4 if you want to create/modify company account .
Please press 5 if you want to create/modify document type .
Please press 6 if you want to create/modify document ID . '''

def child(*ui):
    user_choice = ui
    if user_choice == 3:
        return 3
    elif user_choice == 4:
        return 4
    elif user_choice == 5:
        return 5
        return 'error'

def parent(ux, ui):
    user_choice = ui
    x = user_choice
    if user_choice == 0:
        return 0
    elif user_choice == 1:
        return 1
    elif user_choice == 2:
        return 2

print(parent(child(), ui)) 

我希望当我输入[0:2]以外的数字时,它将运行ux函数并将x变量作为参数传递给它。 但是我收到有关ux(x)行的以下错误:

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable


其次,在最后一行运行child()时,它返回一个数字或字符串error 如果您希望能够在parent文件夹中运行child ,只需将其传递而不带括号,如下所示:

print(parent(child, ui)) 


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