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将文档的文档 ID 添加到其自己的 Firestore 文档 - Swift 4

[英]Add a Document's Document ID to Its Own Firestore Document - Swift 4

如何将刚刚添加到我的 firestore 数据库中的文档的文档 ID 添加到所述文档?


我面临的问题是在创建文档之前您无法获取文档 ID,因此将其添加到所述文档的唯一方法是创建文档,读取其 ID,然后编辑文档以添加身份证。 在规模上,这将根据需要创建两倍的服务器调用。

有没有标准的方法来做到这一点? 或者一个简单的解决方案来知道用户预订了哪个“乘车”并在数据库中相应地对其进行编辑?

struct Ride {
    var availableSeats: Int
    var carType: String
    var dateCreated: Timestamp
    var ID: String // How do I implement this?

func createRide(ride: Ride, completion: @escaping(_ rideID: String?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
    // Firebase setup
    settings.areTimestampsInSnapshotsEnabled = true
    db.settings = settings

    // Add a new document with a generated ID
    var ref: DocumentReference? = nil
    ref = db.collection("rides").addDocument(data: [
        "availableSeats": ride.availableSeats,
        "carType": ride.carType,
        "dateCreated": ride.dateCreated,
        "ID": ride.ID,
    ]) { err in
        if let err = err {
            print("Error adding ride: \(err)")
            completion(nil, err)
        } else {
            print("Ride added with ID: \(ref!.documentID)")
            completion(ref?.documentID, nil)
            // I'd currently have to use this `ref?.documentID` and edit this document immediately after creating. 2 calls to the database.

虽然有一个完美的答案,但 FireStore 具有您需要的内置功能,并且不需要两次调用数据库。 事实上,它不需要对数据库进行任何调用。


    let testRef = self.db.collection("test_node")
    let someData = [
        "child_key": "child_value"

    let aDoc = testRef.document() //this creates a document with a documentID
    print(aDoc.documentID) //prints the documentID, no database interaction
    //you could add the documentID to an object etc at this point
    aDoc.setData(someData) //stores the data at that documentID


在某些情况下,使用自动生成的 ID 创建文档引用,然后稍后使用该引用会很有用。 对于此用例,您可以调用 doc():

您可能需要考虑一种稍微不同的方法。 您也可以在写入后的闭包中获取文档 ID。 所以让我们给你一个酷骑(类)

class RideClass {
    var availableSeats: Int
    var carType: String
    var dateCreated: String
    var ID: String

    init(seats: Int, car: String, createdDate: String) {
        self.availableSeats = seats
        self.carType = car
        self.dateCreated = createdDate
        self.ID = ""

    func getRideDict() -> [String: Any] {
        let dict:[String: Any] = [
            "availableSeats": self.availableSeats,
            "carType": self.carType,
            "dateCreated": self.dateCreated
        return dict


    var aRide = RideClass(seats: 3, car: "Lincoln", createdDate: "20190122")

    var ref: DocumentReference? = nil
    ref = db.collection("rides").addDocument(data: aRide.getRideDict() ) { err in
        if let err = err {
            print("Error adding document: \(err)")
        } else {
            aRide.ID = ref!.documentID
            print(aRide.ID) //now you can work with the ride and know it's ID

我相信如果你使用 Swift 内置的 ID 生成器,称为UUID ,由Foundation Framework 提供,这会让你做你想做的事。 请参阅以下代码以了解我建议的更改。 同样通过这种方式,当您第一次初始化“Ride”结构时,您可以生成它的 ID 变量,而不是在函数内部进行。 这就是我在整个应用程序中生成唯一 ID 的方式,而且效果很好! 希望这可以帮助!

struct Ride {
    var availableSeats: Int
    var carType: String
    var dateCreated: Timestamp
    var ID: String

func createRide(ride: Ride, completion: @escaping(_ rideID: String, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
    // Firebase setup
    settings.areTimestampsInSnapshotsEnabled = true
    db.settings = settings

    // Add a new document with a generated ID
    var ref: DocumentReference? = nil
    let newDocumentID = UUID().uuidString
    ref = db.collection("rides").document(newDocumentID).setData([
        "availableSeats": ride.availableSeats,
        "carType": ride.carType,
        "dateCreated": ride.dateCreated,
        "ID": newDocumentID,
    ], merge: true) { err in
        if let err = err {
            print("Error adding ride: \(err)")
            completion(nil, err)
        } else {
            print("Ride added with ID: \(newDocumentID)")
            completion(newDocumentID, nil)


    let opportunityCollection = db.collection("opportunities")
    let opportunityDocument = opportunityCollection.document()
    let id = opportunityDocument.documentID

    let data: [String: Any] = ["id": id,
                               "name": "Kelvin"]

    opportunityDocument.setData(data) { (error) in
        if let error = error {
        } else {


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