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[英]How to handle a large number of radiobuttons with clean code?

页面上有很多组单选按钮,当你点击第一个时,你会在字符串中添加一个,依此类推。 如果一组单选按钮没有点击选项,会弹出一个对话框,我该如何重构这段复杂的代码?

        if (a121.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "1"; }
else    if (a122.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "2"; }
else    if (a123.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "3"; }
else    if (a124.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "4"; }
else    if (a125.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "5"; }
        { MessageBox.Show("An option is not selected"); }

        if (a131.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "1"; }
else    if (a132.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "2"; }
else    if (a133.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "3"; }
else    if (a134.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "4"; }
else    if (a135.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "5"; }
        { MessageBox.Show("An option is not selected"); }

        if (a141.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "1"; }
else    if (a142.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "2"; }
else    if (a143.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "3"; }
else    if (a144.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "4"; }
else    if (a145.IsChecked == true) { all1 += "5"; }
        { MessageBox.Show("An option is not selected"); }

这不是最迷人的解决方案,但使用了WPF一些更好的技术,例如MultiBindingConverters 该解决方案使用较少的RadioButtons但可以简单地更改。


     <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
     <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
     <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
     <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>

  <Label Margin="20">
        <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource RadioButtonCustomStringConverter}">
           <Binding ElementName="i1r1" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i1r2" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i1r3" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i2r1" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i2r2" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i2r3" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i3r1" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i3r2" Path="IsChecked"/>
           <Binding ElementName="i3r3" Path="IsChecked"/>

  <StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Margin="20">
     <RadioButton x:Name="i1r1" GroupName="group1" Content="Option1"/>
     <RadioButton x:Name="i1r2" GroupName="group1" Content="Option2"/>
     <RadioButton x:Name="i1r3" GroupName="group1" Content="Option3"/>

  <StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Margin="20">
     <RadioButton x:Name="i2r1" GroupName="group2" Content="Option1"/>
     <RadioButton x:Name="i2r2" GroupName="group2" Content="Option2"/>
     <RadioButton x:Name="i2r3" GroupName="group2" Content="Option3"/>

  <StackPanel Grid.Row="3" Margin="20">
     <RadioButton x:Name="i3r1" GroupName="group3" Content="Option1"/>
     <RadioButton x:Name="i3r2" GroupName="group3" Content="Option2"/>
     <RadioButton x:Name="i3r3" GroupName="group3" Content="Option3"/>


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace WpfApplication2
    public class RadioButtonCustomStringConverter : IMultiValueConverter
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if(values != null)
                var result = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    if (values[i] as bool? == true)
                        result += (i % 3);

                if (result.Length < 3)
                    return "You haven't selected three items.";
                    return result;
            return null;

        public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();


private void AddOrMessage(RadioButton[] radioButtons)
    for (int i = 0; i < radioButtons.Length; i++)
        if (radioButtons[i].IsChecked == true)
            all1 += $"{i + 1}";

    MessageBox.Show("An option is not selected");


AddOrMessage(new [] {a121, a122, a123, a124, a125});
AddOrMessage(new [] {a131, a132, a133, a134, a135});
AddOrMessage(new [] {a141, a142, a143, a144, a145});


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