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使用Python xml.etree.ElementTree遍历XML树的问题

[英]Problem traversing XML tree with Python xml.etree.ElementTree

我有一个XML文件,其结构如下所示(此问题已简化)。 对于每条记录,我想提取文章标题和“ ArticleId”元素中包含DOI号的属性“ IdType”的值(有时可能会缺少此属性),然后将文章标题存储在具有DOI的字典中作为关键。

    <MedlineCitation Status="MEDLINE" Owner="NLM">
        <Article PubModel="Print-Electronic">
            <ArticleTitle>Malathion and dithane induce DNA damage in Vicia faba.</ArticleTitle>
            <ArticleId IdType="pubmed">28950791</ArticleId>
            <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.1177/0748233717726877</ArticleId>

    <MedlineCitation Status="MEDLINE" Owner="NLM">
        <Article PubModel="Print-Electronic">
            <ArticleTitle>Impact of dual inoculation with Rhizobium and PGPR on growth and antioxidant status of Vicia faba L. under copper stress.</ArticleTitle>
            <ArticleId IdType="pubmed">25747267</ArticleId>
            <ArticleId IdType="pii">S1631-0691(15)00050-5</ArticleId>
            <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.1016/j.crvi.2015.02.001</ArticleId>

    <MedlineCitation Status="MEDLINE" IndexingMethod="Curated" Owner="NLM">
        <Article PubModel="Print-Electronic">
            <ArticleTitle>[Influence of Four Kinds of PPCPs on Micronucleus Rate of the Root-Tip Cells of Vicia-faba and Garlic].</ArticleTitle>
        <ArticleId IdType="pubmed">27548984</ArticleId>
        <!-- in this record, DOI is missing -->


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

xmldoc = ET.parse('sample.xml')
root = xmldoc.getroot()
pubs = {}
for elem in xmldoc.iter(tag='ArticleTitle'):
    title = elem.text
    for subelem in xmldoc.iter(tag='ArticleId'):
        if subelem.get("IdType") == "doi":
            doi = subelem.text 
            pubs[doi] = title

if len(pubs) == 0:
   print "No articles found"
   for pub in pubs.keys():
       print pub + ' ' + pubs[pub]


 10.1177/0748233717726877 [Influence of Four Kinds of PPCPs on Micronucleus Rate of the Root-Tip Cells of Vicia-faba and Garlic]. 10.1016/j.crvi.2015.02.001 [Influence of Four Kinds of PPCPs on Micronucleus Rate of the Root-Tip Cells of Vicia-faba and Garlic]. 



 10.1177/0748233717726877 Malathion and dithane induce DNA damage in Vicia faba. 10.1016/j.crvi.2015.02.001 Impact of dual inoculation with Rhizobium and PGPR on growth and antioxidant status of Vicia faba L. under copper stress. 



for elem in xmldoc.iter(tag='ArticleTitle'):      # <-- *ALL* <ArticleTitle> elements
    for subelem in xmldoc.iter(tag='ArticleId'):  # <-- *ALL* <ArticleId> elements

在ElementTree中,没有什么心智的选择只能选择与您碰巧看到的最后一个<ArticleTitle>相关联的<ArticleId> ,因此,您在该代码中发现的任何内容实际上都不会相关。

根据实际的XML文档( “针对每个PubmedArticle ...” )来组织代码,并使用相对搜索:

pubs = []

for pubmedArticle in xmldoc.iter(tag='PubmedArticle'):  
    # relative search within this <PubmedArticle>
    articleTitle = pubmedArticle.find('./MedlineCitation/Article/ArticleTitle')

    # always verify that there are actual results for a search
    if articleTitle == None:
       title = "No article title found"
       title = articleTitle.text

    for articleId in pubmedArticle.iterfind('./PubmedData//ArticleId'):
        if articleId.get("IdType") == "doi":
            pubs.append({"doi": articleId.text, "title": title})

我还建议您列出一列词典,而不是一个词典。 在下面的代码中将更容易处理:

    {'doi': '10.1177/0748233717726877', 'title': 'Malathion and dithane induce DNA damage in Vicia faba.'},
    {'doi': '10.1016/j.crvi.2015.02.001', 'title': 'Impact of dual inoculation with Rhizobium and PGPR on growth and antioxidant status of Vicia faba L. under copper stress.'}


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