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[英]How to lookup string in text file and output specific lines above and below

我找不到针对特定问题的解决方案,所以我创建了一个新问题。 如何在文件中找到字符串,并从上方3行和下方25行输出? 我到目前为止拥有以下内容,但只能在比赛下方显示25。

with open("driveDetails.txt", "r") as f:
    searchlines = f.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(searchlines):
    if "Failed" in line:
        for l in searchlines[i:i+25]: print l,

以下是文件内容的示例。 我需要搜索“失败”,然后从3行开始打印(ID:0:1:6),然后从+ 25开始打印。我没有列出每条记录的所有行,所以我只列出了...

ID                              : 0:1:1
Status                          : Non-Critical
Name                            : Physical Disk 0:1:6
State                           : Online
Power Status                    : Spun Up
Bus Protocol                    : SAS
Media                           : HDD
Part of Cache Pool              : Not Applicable
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : Not Applicable
Failure Predicted               : Yes
Revision                        : ES66
Driver Version                  : Not Applicable
Model Number                    : Not Applicable
T10 PI Capable                  : No
Certified                       : Yes
Encryption Capable              : No
Encrypted                       : Not Applicable
Progress                        : Not Applicable
Product ID                      : HDSG02032923
Serial No.                      : 7DK30358

ID                              : 0:1:6
Status                          : Non-Critical
Name                            : Physical Disk 0:1:6
State                           : Failed
Power Status                    : Spun Up
Bus Protocol                    : SAS
Media                           : HDD
Part of Cache Pool              : Not Applicable
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : Not Applicable
Failure Predicted               : Yes
Revision                        : ES66
Driver Version                  : Not Applicable
Model Number                    : Not Applicable
T10 PI Capable                  : No
Certified                       : Yes
Encryption Capable              : No
Encrypted                       : Not Applicable
Progress                        : Not Applicable
Product ID                      : HDSG09393329
Serial No.                      : 7DK3035B

问题 :在文本文件中查找字符串并输出特定行

解决方案, 无需使用固定行数和dict对象的indices

缺点 :您正在失去订单! 如果这是importand,请改用OrderedDict

  • 打开文件并循环浏览

     with io.StringIO(DATA) as data_in: while True: 
  • 定义一个dict并用n行读取一条记录

      record = {} for _ in range(20): try: line = next(data_in).rstrip() except StopIteration: break 
  • 获取每行的keyvalue对,并将其分配给dict

      key, value = line.split(' : ') record.setdefault(key.strip(' '), value.strip(' ')) 
  • 验证结果record 如果键'State' == 'Failed'请对该record任何操作。

      if not record: break elif 'State' in record: if record['State'] == 'Failed': print('{}'.format(record)) else: print('ERROR:{}'.format(record)) 


 {'Serial No.': '7DK3035B', 'State': 'Failed', 'ID': '0:1:6', ... (omitted for brevity) 



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