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[英]Can't seem to figure out how to write a Loop in Python

我必须计算员工的总工资并显示结果。 您的程序将接受员工的姓名,工作时间和员工的工资率。 该程序还将需要计算加班时间。 加班费的定义是,超过40小时的工资是正常工资的1.5倍。 该程序应打印雇员的姓名,总工资金额,并且只有在加班的情况下,才应打印加班工资金额。 最后,程序应根据需要重复执行,直到用户输入标记值。

print("Payroll Calculator")
EmployeesName = input("Please enter employees Name or 0 to quit:")
WeeklyHours = int(input("Please Enter Hours Worked:"))
PayRate = int(input("Please Enter Pay Rate:"))
print("Normal Pay Rate is:", 40 * PayRate)
if(WeeklyHours > 40):
    Overtime = PayRate * 1.5
    if(WeeklyHours > 40):
     print("Your Overtime Hours are:", WeeklyHours - 40)
     print("Your Overtime Rate is:", Overtime * 1.5)
    GrossPay = WeeklyHours * Overtime

print("Your Gross Pay is:", WeeklyHours * Overtime)

那就是我所拥有的,程序中没有循环。 我似乎无法弄清楚这个东西,我在这里疯了。 我只希望有人帮我分解一下。 谢谢!

您可以做的是将所有要重复的代码循环多次。 它看起来像:

    while True:
        # code you want to repeat
        if some_condition:


    flag = False
    while not flag:
        # code you want to repeat
        if some_condition:
            flag = True


print("Payroll Calculator")

count = 2
for i in range(count):
    EmployeesName = input("Please enter employees Name :")
    WeeklyHours = int(input("Please Enter Hours Worked:"))
    PayRate = int(input("Please Enter Pay Rate:"))
    print("Normal Pay Rate is:", 40 * PayRate)
    if(WeeklyHours > 40):
        Overtime = PayRate * 1.5
        if(WeeklyHours > 40):
            print("Your Overtime Hours are:", WeeklyHours - 40)
            print("Your Overtime Rate is:", Overtime * 1.5)
    print("Your Gross Pay is:", WeeklyHours * Overtime)

    finish = input('Would you like to continue? (y/n) :')
    if finish == 'n':
        count = 0
    elif finish == 'y':
        count += 1


而不是在True时使用,我会先将“前哨变量”设置为不间断值。 使老师高兴。 给定例如sentinel变量将写为“ 0”作为EmployeeName,您将执行

print("Payroll Calculator")
EmployeesName = None
while EmployeesName != '0': # 0 in python2
   EmployeesName = input("Please enter employees Name or 0 to quit:")
   If EmployeesName != '0':
       WeeklyHours = int(input("Please Enter Hours Worked:"))
       PayRate = int(input("Please Enter Pay Rate:"))
       print("Normal Pay Rate is:", 40 * PayRate)
       if(WeeklyHours > 40):
           Overtime = PayRate * 1.5
           if(WeeklyHours > 40):
               print("Your Overtime Hours are:", WeeklyHours - 40)
               print("Your Overtime Rate is:", Overtime * 1.5)
           GrossPay = WeeklyHours * Overtime
           print("Your Gross Pay is:", WeeklyHours * Overtime)


stop = False
while not stop:
   # check now if if we should stop
   if (EmployeesName == '0'):
       stop = True

您始终可以使用while True:break方法,但是我不推荐这样做,因为该任务要求在while条件下使用变量,并且应避免在true循环之前使用imho while循环,直到您真正了解循环为止。

while True:
   # check now if if we should stop
   if (EmployeesName == '0'):
       break # exits loop.


注意:Python2将为input()返回一个整数,Python3将返回一个字符串。 将示例编辑为python3。


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