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我使用 Colab 和 Plotly,我想保存一个 Plotly 图 - 如何在 Colab 中安装 plotly-orca?

[英]I use Colab and Plotly and I want save a Plotly figure - how to install plotly-orca in Colab?


如果您还没有安装 orca,您可以使用 conda 进行安装,如下所示:

$ conda install -c plotly plotly-orca

或者,请参阅https://github.com/plotly/orca 上的 orca 项目 README 中的其他安装方法。

我试过: !pip install plotly-orca ,但这会引发错误。

收集 plotly-orca 找不到满足 plotly-orca 要求的版本(来自版本:)没有找到与 plotly-orca 匹配的分布


  • 在 Google Drive 本地保存一个 Plotly 图形

将 iplotly 图形保存为 html 到 gdrive

# Connecting to GDrive
from google.colab import drive

from plotly.offline import iplot, plot, download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode
import plotly.graph_objs as go

Tickets_plot = go.Figure( ..... whatever is normally for your Plotly graph ....)

# this saves it to Google Drive ...you can put it in any folder you like
plot(Tickets_plot, filename="/content/drive/test.html", auto_open=False)

# this saves it within the notebook folder locallhy
plot(Tickets_plot, filename="/content/drive/test.html", auto_open=False)


!pip install plotly==4.4.1
!wget https://github.com/plotly/orca/releases/download/v1.2.1/orca-1.2.1-x86_64.AppImage -O /usr/local/bin/orca
!chmod +x /usr/local/bin/orca


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