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[英]How do I query JSON data from an API with multiple filters?

我正在从JSON API检索数据。
我只想要与query_input匹配且不受信任的应用程序(请参阅API文档图片): 在此处输入图片说明 我想要两者的交集。 我只想要同时符合这两个条件的应用程序。 如果我使用:

parameters = {"query" : query_input, "trusted" : "false", "limit" : 3}
request = requests.get("http://(certain api link)", params = parameters)
print(json.dumps(request.json(), indent = 4))

如果我使用上面的代码,并将query_input设置为“ facebook”, query_input得到以下信息:

    "info": {
        "status": "OK",
        "time": {
            "seconds": 0.068413019180298,
            "human": "68 milliseconds"
    "datalist": {
        "total": 1000,
        "count": 3,
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 3,
        "next": 3,
        "hidden": 0,
        "loaded": true,
        "list": [
                "id": 44893072,
                "name": "Facebook",
                "package": "com.facebook.katana",
                "uname": "facebook",
                "size": 56986654,
                "icon": "http://(certain link)",
                "graphic": "http://(certain link)",
                "added": "2013-02-15 03:30:51",
                "modified": "2019-03-21 02:24:03",
                "updated": "2019-03-21 23:01:10",
                "uptype": "xxxxxxxxx",
                "store": {
                    "id": 65518,
                    "name": "mark8",
                    "avatar": "http://(certain link)",
                    "appearance": {
                        "theme": "lightsky",
                        "description": ""
                    "stats": {
                        "apps": 3552,
                        "subscribers": 1110865,
                        "downloads": 505861392
                "file": {
                    "vername": "",
                    "vercode": 146691804,
                    "md5sum": "bc0ed01e35b7f888bdaa34eb2c2a2e1f",
                    "filesize": 56986654,
                    "path": "http://(certain link)",
                    "path_alt": "(certain link)",
                    "malware": {
                        "rank": "TRUSTED"
                "stats": {
                    "downloads": 10272286,
                    "pdownloads": 122342832,
                    "rating": {
                        "avg": 4.2,
                        "total": 4966
                    "prating": {
                        "avg": 4.17,
                        "total": 20811
                "has_versions": true,
                "obb": null,
                "appcoins": {
                    "advertising": false,
                    "billing": false
                "id": 44918187,
                "name": "Facebook Lite",
                "package": "com.facebook.lite",
                "uname": "facebook-lite",
                "size": 1292422,
                "icon": "http://(certain link)",
                "graphic": "(certain link)",
                "added": "2017-09-21 11:39:42",
                "modified": "2019-03-21 19:06:13",
                "updated": "2019-03-21 23:04:44",
                "uptype": "xxxxxxx",
                "store": {
                    "id": 1618942,
                    "name": "hazel777",
                    "avatar": "http://(certain link)",
                    "appearance": {
                        "theme": "pink",
                        "description": "Thanks 4 being a follower"
                    "stats": {
                        "apps": 4098,
                        "subscribers": 63185,
                        "downloads": 28170613
                "file": {
                    "vername": "",
                    "vercode": 146791354,
                    "md5sum": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "filesize": 1292422,
                    "path": "http://(certain link)",
                    "path_alt": "http://(certain link)",
                    "malware": {
                        "rank": "TRUSTED"
                "stats": {
                    "downloads": 18393,
                    "pdownloads": 23956738,
                    "rating": {
                        "avg": 3,
                        "total": 2
                    "prating": {
                        "avg": 4.28,
                        "total": 2225
                "has_versions": true,
                "obb": null,
                "appcoins": {
                    "advertising": false,
                    "billing": false
                "id": 3126316,
                "name": "Facebook",
                "package": "com.sonyericsson.androidapp.fbsetupwizard",
                "uname": "xperia-fb-setup",
                "size": 181391,
                "icon": "http://(certain link)",
                "graphic": null,
                "added": "2013-03-26 03:26:09",
                "modified": "2013-05-05 17:59:53",
                "updated": "2019-03-06 19:05:21",
                "uptype": "dropbox",
                "store": {
                    "id": 8655,
                    "name": "vitonline",
                    "avatar": "http://(certain link)",
                    "appearance": {
                        "theme": "light-blue",
                        "description": ""
                    "stats": {
                        "apps": 8609,
                        "subscribers": 27653,
                        "downloads": 3807977
                "file": {
                    "vername": "5.0.A.0.10",
                    "vercode": 10485770,
                    "md5sum": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "filesize": 181391,
                    "path": "http://(certain link)",
                    "path_alt": "http://(certain link)",
                    "malware": {
                        "rank": "TRUSTED"
                "stats": {
                    "downloads": 218559,
                    "pdownloads": 269179,
                    "rating": {
                        "avg": 3.75,
                        "total": 44
                    "prating": {
                        "avg": 3.63,
                        "total": 98
                "has_versions": true,
                "obb": null,
                "appcoins": {
                    "advertising": false,
                    "billing": false

我得到了与Facebook相关的应用程序,并且因为"limit" : 3 ,所以它仅显示3个应用程序(所有应用程序都在“ datalist”>“ list”中,每个应用程序均以“ id”开头并以“ billing”结束)。
我应该只获得恶意软件排名为“未知”的应用程序,但是我不想要恶意软件排名为“ TRUSTED”的应用程序。

API文档将false表示为trusted的JSON布尔值,因此在Python中,您应该使用布尔值False而不是字符串值"false" ,服务器将其视为真值而不是假值:

parameters = {"query" : query_input, "trusted" : False, "limit" : 3}

我认为文档有些误导。 如果将您的可信参数设置为true,它将List trusted apps only 如果将其设置为false,则所有应用程序均为Trusted and Unknown。


我已经尝试过查询Facebook,并且所有应用都返回“受信任”状态。 可能是因为该来源中没有不可信/未知的应用。 使用terrarium作为查询,您可以使用trusted=false获得一些未知的信任级别,然后在trusted=true时将其删除


app_data = request.json()
untrusted = [app_entry for app_entry in app_data['datalist']['list'] if app_entry['file']['malware']['rank'].upper() != 'TRUSTED']


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