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[英]Memory and Perf comparison of BigInt vs Byte array in scala

我必须使用一种可以以内存有效方式(在Scala中)对Ipv4和Ipv6地址进行穿孔的类型。 以及他们应该表现出色。 我看到的两个选项是使用scala BigInt类型或字节数组。 在这两种情况下,内存/性能都有哪些变化?

Java中的BigInteger需要5 * 4 bytes int字段加上int数组占用5 * 4 bytes Scala的BigInt只是BigInteger的包装,因此类似。 因此,使用Byte数组肯定会减少位置。


trait IP

type IPv4 = Array[Byte] with IP //adding "with IP" would make sure compiler won't accept plain Array[Byte] when type IPv4 is needed

type IPv6 = Array[Byte] with IP

object IPv4 { //create similar for IPv6

  def apply(ip: String) = {
    ip.split("\\.").map(_.toByte).asInstanceOf[IPv4] //you can create IPv4("")

  object Implicits {
    implicit class RichIPv4(ip: IPv4) {
        def show(): String = ip.map(_.toString).mkString(".") //add method to show as string
      def verify(): Boolean = ??? //additional methods


import IPV4.Implicits._

def printIP(ip: IPv4) = println(ip.show) //Will only accept arrays created by IPv4.apply

printIP(IPv4("")) //ok
printIP(Array[Byte](127,0,0,1)) //won't compile

另外,您应该看看很棒的库scala-newtype ,它执行类似的操作,但没有其他样板文件。


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