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[英]Is there a way to compare a String converted into a float with an actual float value into an if-statement?

验证按钮时,我将String值转换为浮点数,但是当我尝试将转换后的值与实际的浮点数进行比较时,出现编译错误。 如果不想在应用程序中写入小于50的值,我想在此进行比较。

private void tbBid_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            var amount = 12345678.0f;
            tbBid.Text = amount.ToString();
                e.Cancel = true;

                epbid.SetError(tbBid,">50 lei");



//Reading value from text box
var amount = tbBid.Text;
//Parsing to float
float amountFloat = float.Parse(amount);

if (amountFloat < 50.0f)
      // Do your cancellation stuff

我对此做了一个简化版,可能会对您有所帮助。 我使用了您提供的代码和一个版本,其中amount首先是一个字符串值:

    // current example simplified
    float amount = 12345678.0f;
    string text = amount.ToString();
    if(amount < 50)
        Console.WriteLine("Congratulations the first comparison worked!");

    //if amount was a string to start with
    string amountText = "12345678.0";       
    float amountFloat;
    float.TryParse(amountText, out amountFloat);
    if(amountFloat < 50)
        Console.WriteLine("Congratulations the second comparison worked!");

这是.Net小提琴: https : //dotnetfiddle.net/utyWUc


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