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[英]How can I create a for-loop to count the number of values within a vector that fall between a set boundary?

我试图通过简单地从每个索引中添加和减去一个设置值来设置向量的上下边界。 然后,我想创建一个循环,告诉我向量中的每个值(i),向量中有多少其他点落在该边界内。


我的向量“ v”包含随机值。 然后,我向其添加/减去三个以获取上限和下限。 但是无法创建一个循环来计算该向量中有多少其他值属于该循环。

v <- c(1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 54)

for (i in v){
  vec2 <- (vec +3 > vec[i] & vec -3 < vec[i])


我也尝试索引vec +/- 3,但也没有用。

vec2 <- (vec[i] +3 > vec[i] & vec - 3 < vec[i))

我想要的是向量中的每个“ i”值,我想知道在该值+和-3内有多少点。

即第一个值为1:因此上限为4,下限为-2。 我希望它计算向量中剩余的剩余值。 第一个索引为3(如果包含自身)。

vec2 =(3,4,3,...)

您是否正在寻找这样的东西? 您的代码不正确,因为您的语法不正确。

vec <- c(1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 54) #Input vector

countvalswithin <- vector() #Empty vector that will store counts of values within bounds

#For loop to cycle through values stored in input vector
for(i in 1:length(vec)){
  currval <- vec[i] #Take current value
  lbound <- (currval - 3) #Calculate lower bound w.r.t. this value
  ubound <- (currval + 3) #Calculate upper bound w.r.t. this value

  #Create vector containing all values from source vector except current value
  #This will be used for comparison against current value to find values within bounds.
  othervals <- subset(vec, vec != currval)

  currcount <- 1 #Set to 0 to exclude self; count(er) of values within bounds of current value

  #For loop to cycle through all other values (excluding current value) to find values within bounds of current value
  for(j in 1:length(othervals)){

    #If statement to evaluate whether compared value is within bounds of current value; if it is, counter updates by 1
    if(othervals[j] > lbound & othervals[j] <= ubound){
      currcount <- currcount + 1 


  countvalswithin[i] <- currcount #Append count for current value to a vector


df <- data.frame(vec, countvalswithin) #Input vector and respective counts as a dataframe


 #    vec countvalswithin
 #  1   1               3
 #  2   3               4
 #  3   4               3
 #  4   5               4
 #  5   8               3
 #  6   9               3
 #  7  10               3
 #  8  54               1



vec2 <- numeric(length = length(v))
for (i in seq_along(v)) {
   vec2[i] <- sum((v  >= v[i] - 3) & (v <= v[i] + 3))
#[1] 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 1


mapply(function(x, y) sum(v >= y & v <= x), v + 3, v - 3)
#[1] 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 1


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