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[英]Cannot read property '0' of undefined in a function (p5.js)

在我的代码的第一行,我放了var array = []但我得到了指向这个函数的错误。 如果我在调用函数之前记录数组它应该是什么,但是如果我在函数内部的任何地方这样做,它在错误之前不会被记录

 let elements = 25 var array = [] let goal = [] let tempAr = [] let i = 1 function setup() { // put setup code here createCanvas(600, 600) background(25) // make the goal array ascending while (goal.length < elements) { goal.push(i) i++ } // make the scrambled array i = 0 tempAr = goal while (i < elements) { let rng = Math.floor(random(tempAr.length)) array.push(tempAr[rng]) tempAr.splice(rng, 1) i++ } } function draw() { fill('#f1f442') drawRect() sort() } function drawRect() { i = 1 while (i <= elements) { rect(i * (width / elements) - (width / elements), height - array[i - 1] * height / elements, width / elements, array[i - 1] * height / elements) i++ } } function sort() { let sorted = false while (!sorted) { sorted = true var e = 0 while (e < array.length) { if (array[e] > array[e + 1]) { let temp = array[e + 1] array[e + 1] = array[e] array[e] = temp sorted = false } drawRect() e++ } } }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.7.3/p5.js"></script>

sort()p5.j​​s 中内置函数的名称
您必须为您的函数选择一个不同的名称。 因此,将sort重命名为其他名称(例如mysort )以使您的代码运行。

 let elements = 25 var array = [] let goal = [] let tempAr = [] let i = 1 function setup() { // put setup code here createCanvas(600, 600) background(25) // make the goal array ascending while (goal.length < elements) { goal.push(i) i++ } // make the scrambled array i = 0 tempAr = goal while (i < elements) { let rng = Math.floor(random(tempAr.length)) array.push(tempAr[rng]) tempAr.splice(rng, 1) i++ } } function draw() { fill('#f1f442') drawRect() mysort() } function drawRect() { i = 1 while (i <= elements) { rect(i * (width / elements) - (width / elements), height - array[i - 1] * height / elements, width / elements, array[i - 1] * height / elements) i++ } } function mysort() { let sorted = false while (!sorted) { sorted = true var e = 0 while (e < array.length) { if (array[e] > array[e + 1]) { let temp = array[e + 1] array[e + 1] = array[e] array[e] = temp sorted = false } drawRect() e++ } } }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.7.3/p5.js"></script>


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