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如何使用 JSON 数据为 Google Charts 实现样式或属性?

[英]How to implement style or properties for Google Charts using JSON data?

使用 JSON 格式的数据时,将样式/属性应用于 Google 可视化图表的各个点的正确方法是什么? 具体来说,我需要根据数据更改图表上各个点的颜色。 例如 - 使用下面的 JSFiddle,您将如何将第一个点更改为另一种颜色? 我尝试了使用“p”(属性)字段的各种选项,但都没有成功。 有人知道怎么做吗?



  "cols": [
      "id": "Week",
      "label": "Week",
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": null,
      "p": null
      "id": "Showings",
      "label": "Showings",
      "type": "number",
      "pattern": null,
      "p": null
  "rows": [
      "c": [
          "v": "1",
          "f": null,
          "p": null
          "v": 2,
          "f": null,
          "p": {"point" : "fill-color: #FF7A06;"}
      "c": [
          "v": "2",
          "f": null,
          "p": null
          "v": 1,
          "f": null,
          "p": null

使用 Google 的 Charts API 自定义折线图上数据点的颜色、大小和形状的一种方法是通过 JSON 和内联样式来实现。

要将这种技术应用于您的代码,您首先要修改图表数据的格式(即在您的chart_data_json div 中提供),如下所示:

The third column allows you to specify optional styling, ie orange fill and 
sizing for the first data point 
<div id="chart_data_json">
  [1, 2, "point { size: 4; fill-color: orange; }"], 
  [2, 1, null]

然后您需要更新您的图表代码,以便它可以使用这种新的数据格式。 这里的主要思想是使用内置的google.visualization.arrayToDataTable()方法来简化这一点。 还要注意{'type': 'string', 'role': 'style'} ,它指定图表 API 应将第三列中的数据解释为样式信息:

  /* Parse JSON from data element */
  let jsonData = JSON.parse( $('#chart_data_json').text() );

  /* Define the rules for how charts api should interpret columns in data */
  let dataTable = [
    [{ 'type' :'string'}, 'Y', {'type': 'string', 'role': 'style'}]

  /* Add parsed json data to data table */
  dataTable = dataTable.concat(jsonData)

  /* Pass json data to arrayToDataTable() */
  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(dataTable);

有关完整的工作演示,请参阅此 jsFiddle 希望有帮助!

使用 json 时,它与另一个答案的概念相同,

  "cols": [
      "id": "Week",
      "label": "Week",
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": null,
      "p": null
      "id": "Showings",
      "label": "Showings",
      "type": "number",
      "pattern": null,
      "p": null
      "id": "Sytle",
      "role": "style",
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": null,
      "p": null
  "rows": [
      "c": [
          "v": "1",
          "f": null,
          "p": null
          "v": 2,
          "f": null,
          "p": null
          "v": "point {fill-color: #ff7a06;}",
          "f": null,
          "p": null
      "c": [
          "v": "2",
          "f": null,
          "p": null
          "v": 1,
          "f": null,
          "p": null
          "v": null,
          "f": null,
          "p": null

关键是要有一个属性 --> "role": "style"



 google.charts.load('current', { packages: ['corechart'] }).then(function () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable({ "cols": [ { "id": "Week", "label": "Week", "type": "string", "pattern": null, "p": null }, { "id": "Showings", "label": "Showings", "type": "number", "pattern": null, "p": null }, { "id": "Sytle", "role": "style", "type": "string", "pattern": null, "p": null } ], "rows": [ { "c": [ { "v": "1", "f": null, "p": null }, { "v": 2, "f": null, "p": null }, { "v": "point {fill-color: #ff7a06;}", "f": null, "p": null } ] }, { "c": [ { "v": "2", "f": null, "p": null }, { "v": 1, "f": null, "p": null }, { "v": null, "f": null, "p": null } ] } ] }); let chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart')); chart.draw(data, { title: "Showings by Week", fontName: "Arial", fontSize: 14, titleTextStyle: { color: "#2B557D" }, pointSize: 6, colors: ['#C6D9FD'], lineWidth: 1, curveType: "line", vAxis: { minValue:0, viewWindow: { min: 0 }, maxValue: 3 }, hAxis: { maxAlternation: 1, //title: 'Week' }, legend: { position: 'none' }, tooltip: { isHtml: true }, animation:{ duration: 1500, easing: 'out', startup: true } }); });
 <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script> <div id="chart"></div>


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