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[英]Incompatible type from typedef defined pointer in c

使用VS 2019,以下C代码功能向我发出C4133警告以及整个代码中的其他几个区域。 警告状态:“警告C4133'=':不兼容的类型-从'client *'到'client_t”

但是,除非我误解了typdef的语法,否则我的typedef client *和client_t应该是同一个人。 以下是收到此警告的一种情况:

//Client information structure for linked list
typedef struct _client {
    char NAME[30];
    unsigned long PHONE;
    unsigned long ID;
    unsigned char CountryID;
    struct client *next;
    struct client *previous;
}client, *client_t;

/*Function to sequentually free every node in the doubly linked list
@param: client_t *head - reference pointer to the head pointer of the client linked list
void RemoveClient(client_t *head) {
    if (head)
        client_t current = *head;

        if (current && current->next) {
            while (current) {
                //Warning C4133 at the below line
                current = (*head)->next;
                *head = current;
        current = NULL;
        *head = NULL;
    else printf("head is a NULL pointer");

谢谢Cyber​​bission的建议! 将我的结构内部的组件更改为_client,而不是使用稍后给定的client定义来解决很多对我的警告:

//Client information structure for linked list
typedef struct _client {
    char NAME[30];
    unsigned long PHONE;
    unsigned long ID;
    unsigned char CountryID;
    struct _client *next;
    struct _client *previous;
}client, *client_t;

发生的事情是您引用了一个不存在的,名为struct client正向声明类型:

//Client information structure for linked list
typedef struct _client {
    // ...
    struct client *next;
    struct client *previous;
}client, *client_t;

这有点棘手。 在声明nextprevious ,您有一个名为struct _client的类型。 此后不久,您就有了一个名为clienttypedef 不幸的是,这些都不是struct client 由于操作仅引用指针,而没有取消引用指针,因此您没有任何实际错误,但是当您引用next ,编译器会说“呵呵, struct client既不是client也不是struct _client -要警惕!”


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