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[英]moment.js not factoring in the year when converting a date to Unix timestamp

我需要找到2个日期30/05/2019和30/04/2020之间的差额。 我正在使用此代码:

var checkinTime  = moment('30/05/2019', 'DD/MM/YYYY').unix();
var checkoutTime = moment('30/04/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY').unix();

2019年的值是正确的,但返回的2020年值好像是2019年。返回的值分别是'1590760800'和'1588168800'。 第一个时间戳应该小于第二个时间戳,但是要大一些(一个月)。


您的代码似乎是正确的。 我尝试了以下代码。


var moment = require('moment');

var checkinTime  = moment('30/05/2019', 'DD/MM/YYYY').unix();
var checkoutTime = moment('30/04/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY').unix();

console.log(' checkinTime: ' + checkinTime);
console.log('checkoutTime: ' + checkoutTime);
console.log('  diff dates: ' + (checkoutTime - checkinTime) / 86400);


$ node index.js
 checkinTime: 1559142000
checkoutTime: 1588172400
   diff dates: 336



 function parseDDMMYYY(input) { const dateArrayText = input.match(/^(\\d{1,2})\\/(\\d{1,2})\\/(\\d{4})$/); if (!dateArrayText) return NaN; // Decode dateArrayText to numeric values that can be used by the Date constructor. const date = { year : +dateArrayText[3], month : (+dateArrayText[2]) - 1, // month is zero based in date object. day : +dateArrayText[1] } const dateObject = new Date( date.year, date.month, date.day ); // Check validity of date. The date object will accept 2000-99-99 as input and // adjust the date to 2008-07-08. To prevent that, and make sure the entered // date is a valid date, I check if the entered date is the same as the parsed date. if ( !dateObject || date.year !== dateObject.getFullYear() || date.month !== dateObject.getMonth() || date.day != dateObject.getDate() ) { return NaN; } return dateObject; } const date1 = parseDDMMYYY('30/05/2019'); const date2 = parseDDMMYYY('30/04/2019'); const diffInMs = date2 - date1; const diffInSeconds = Math.floor( (date2 - date1) / 1000 ); console.log( diffInMs ); console.log( diffInSeconds ); 


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