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[英]How to split a string when an alphanumeric word found in a string using vba?


现在,我想将字符串分成两部分。字符串在单元格A1中。 电池值为“Free 90x90mm dewsc”

如果字符串的第一个单词是字母数字,则不要做任何事情。 将值粘贴到单元格B1中。


单元格B1应包含从开头到字母数字单词的单词。 即“免费”

单元格C1包含从字母数字字到字符串末尾的单词。 即“90x90mm dewsc”

Sub Main()
    Dim longString, result As String
    Dim arrayString() As String
    Dim newarr As String
    Dim substr As String

    Set objRegExp_1 = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

    objRegExp_1.Pattern = "((?:[a-z][a-z]*[0-9]+[a-z0-9]*))" 'REGEX for alphanumeric words in the string

    longString = "Free 90x90mm desc"

    arrayString = Split(longString) 'Splits the string into an array of words so that each one can be matched with the REGEX pattern to check if its alphanumeric

    For i = 0 To UBound(arrayString)
        Set regExp_Matches = objRegExp_1.Execute(arrayString(i))

        If regExp_Matches.Count = 1 Then
            arrayString(i) = UCase(arrayString(i)) 'If a pattern match is found, the corresponding string is converted to uppercase and stored back
        End If

    result = Join(arrayString, " ") 'Combines elements of the modified array of words into a single string
    MsgBox (result)
End Sub


Sub Main()
    Dim arrayString() As String
    longString = Range("A1").Text
    arrayString = Split(longString) 'Splits the string into an array of words so that each one can be matched with the REGEX pattern to check if its alphanumeric
    s = ""
    For i = 0 To UBound(arrayString)
      If alfaNumeric(arrayString(i)) = True Then
        p = InStr(longString, arrayString(i))
        Exit For
        s = s & arrayString(i) & " "
      End If
    If s = "" Then
      Range("B1") = longString
      Range("B1") = s
      Range("C1") = Right(longString, Len(longString) - p + 1)
    End If
End Sub


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