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[英]How can I specify that a trait function takes an argument implementing the trait?


trait MetricPoint {
    fn square_distance(&self, other: &MetricPoint) -> f64;

struct RNPoint {
    coordinates: Vec<f64>,

impl RNPoint {
    fn new(coordinates: &[f64]) -> RNPoint {
        RNPoint {
            coordinates: coordinates.to_vec(),

impl MetricPoint for RNPoint {
    fn square_distance(self: &RNPoint, other: &RNPoint) -> f64 {
        let min_len = self.coordinates.len().min(other.coordinates.len());
        let mut sum = 0.0;
        for i in 0..min_len {
            let diff = self.coordinates[i] - other.coordinates[i];
            sum += diff * diff;

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn square_distance() {
        let p1 = RNPoint::new(&[0.0, 0.0]);
        let p2 = RNPoint::new(&[1.0, 0.0]);
        let d = p1.square_distance(&p2);
        assert_eq!(d, 1.0)


error[E0053]: method `square_distance` has an incompatible type for trait
  --> points/src/lib.rs:19:44
2  |     fn square_distance(&self, other: &MetricPoint) -> f64;
   |                                      ------------ type in trait
19 |     fn square_distance(self:&RNPoint,other:&RNPoint)->f64 {
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^ expected trait MetricPoint, found struct `RNPoint`
   = note: expected type `fn(&RNPoint, &dyn MetricPoint) -> f64`
              found type `fn(&RNPoint, &RNPoint) -> f64`


您距离编译并通过测试的地方并不远。 只是改变:

fn square_distance(&self, other: &MetricPoint) -> f64;

fn square_distance(&self, other: &Self) -> f64;


fn square_distance(self: &RNPoint, other: &RNPoint) -> f64

fn square_distance(self: &RNPoint, other: &Self) -> f64

通过编写Self ,您可以指定当前结构的类型。 它更具通用性和可读性。

谢谢。 正如某些人所说,但雨果更明确的是解决方案是自我。 这是最终代码:

trait Metric {
    fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> f64;

struct RNPoint {
    coordinates: Vec<f64>,

impl RNPoint {
    fn new(coordinates: &[f64]) -> RNPoint {
        RNPoint {
            coordinates: coordinates.to_vec(),

impl Metric for RNPoint {

    fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> f64 {
        let sum:f64=self.coordinates.iter()
            .map(|(&c1, &c2)| {
                let diff = c1 - c2;
                diff * diff

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_distance() {
        let p1 = RNPoint::new(&[0.0, 0.0]);
        let p2 = RNPoint::new(&[1.0, 0.0]);
        let d = p1.distance(&p2);
        assert_eq!(d, 1.0)

关于抽象类,我写了抽象数据类型,但是堆栈溢出改变了它,我没有注意到。 为......感到抱歉


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