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[英]Protocol type cannot conform to protocol because only concrete types can conform to protocols

在应用程序中,我们有两种类型的贴纸,字符串和位图。 每个贴纸包可以包含这两种类型。 这就是我声明模型的方式:

// Mark: - Models

protocol Sticker: Codable {

public struct StickerString: Sticker,  Codable, Equatable {
    let fontName: String
    let character: String

public struct StickerBitmap: Sticker,  Codable, Equatable {
    let imageName: String

在用户选择一些贴纸并使用它们后,我们希望将贴纸保存到UserDefaults以便我们可以向他显示“最近使用的”贴纸选项卡。 我正在尝试解码保存的[Sticker]数组:

let recentStickers = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Sticker].self, from: data)


Protocol type 'Sticker' cannot conform to 'Decodable' because only concrete types can conform to protocols

我不明白为什么我将Sticker声明为Codable ,它也实现了Decodable 任何帮助将不胜感激!



func decodeStickers<T : Decodable>(from data : Data) throws -> T
    return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)


在您的结构中删除Sticker协议。 您还可以删除Equatable因为它正在结构中合成。

public struct StickerString : Codable {
    let fontName: String
    let character: String

public struct StickerBitmap : Codable {
    let imageName: String


let imageStickers = """
let stickerData = Data(imageStickers.utf8)

let recentStickers : [StickerBitmap] = try! decodeStickers(from: stickerData)

let stringSticker = """
let stickerData = Data(stringSticker.utf8)

let sticker : StickerString = try! decodeStickers(from: stickerData)

要解码StickerStringStickerBitmap类型的数组, StickerString声明具有关联值的包装器枚举

enum Sticker: Codable {

    case string(StickerString)
    case image(StickerBitmap)

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
        do {
            let stringData = try container.decode(StickerString.self)
            self = .string(stringData)
        } catch DecodingError.keyNotFound {
            let imageData = try container.decode(StickerBitmap.self)
            self = .image(imageData)

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        switch self {
            case .string(let string) : try container.encode(string)
            case .image(let image) : try container.encode(image)


let stickers = """
[{"imageName":"Foo"},{"imageName":"Bar"}, {"fontName":"Times","character":"😃"}]

let stickerData = Data(stickers.utf8)
let recentStickers = try! JSONDecoder().decode([Sticker].self, from: stickerData)


func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let sticker = stickers[indexPath.row]
    switch sticker {
    case .string(let stringSticker): 
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withCellIdentifier: "StringStickerCell", for: indexPath) as! StringStickerCell
        // update UI
        return cell
    case .image(let imageSticker): 
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withCellIdentifier: "ImageStickerCell", for: indexPath) as! ImageStickerCell
        // update UI
        return cell


JSONDecoder().decode(/* swift here is expecting class or struct that conforms to Codable */.self, from: data)


protocol Sticker: Codable {

您期望 swift 从数据中解码的属性在哪里?


public struct StickerString: Sticker,  Codable, Equatable { // it should have redundendant conformance as well as you are conforming to Coddle again
    let fontName: String // here is the properties you are expected to be decoded with the coding keys
    let character: String // here is the properties you are expected to be decoded with the coding keys


class GenericService< /* here you can pass your class or struct that conforms to Codable */ GenericResponseModel: Codable> {

func buildObjectFromResponse(data: Data?) -> GenericResponseModel? {
        var object : GenericResponseModel?
        do {
            object = try JSONDecoder().decode(GenericResponseModel.self , from: data!)
        } catch (let error){
        return object

  • 通过这个类,你可以传递符合 Codable 的任何类型甚至列表
  • 然后您将使用以下方法将类型检查与解码过程分离
private func handleDecodingTypes (stickers: [Sticker]){
        for sticker in stickers {
            if sticker is StickerString {
                /* do the decoding here */
            if sticker is StickerBitmap {
                /* do the decoding here */

Sticker 协议不是确认/实现 Codable,它实际上是从 Codable 继承的。 正如错误消息所暗示的那样,协议不符合其他协议,只有具体类型才符合。

protocol Sticker: Codable //This is Protocol inheritance


public struct StickerString: Sticker

意味着 Sticker 字符串符合 Sticker 并且 Sticker 是 Codable 的孩子,所以 StickerString 最终符合 Codable。 无需再次声明一致性,即:

public struct StickerString: Sticker,  Codable //Conformance to Codable is redundant


  let recentStickers = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Sticker].self, from: data)

decode 方法需要一个具体的类型。 它没有关于底层类型或其属性的任何信息,因为 Sticker 只是一个协议本身,它继承自 Codable,没有任何属性/属性。 编译器在解码后结合 StrickerString 和 StickerBitmap 不会有任何问题,例如

let stickerString = try JSONDecoder().decode(StickerString.self, from: data)
let stickerBitmap = try JSONDecoder().decode(StickerBitmap.self, from: data)
let stickers : [Sticker] = [stickerString, stickerBitmap]


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