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[英]How do you render objects from json

我需要从给出的json渲染一些图像。 代码看起来像

class App extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    data => {


  render() {
    return React.createElement("div", null, "hello");

ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App, null), document.body);

“ url”是我传入的json(但我不想将其公开)。 它看起来类似于:

    "total_count": null,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""
        "next": {
            "href": ""
    "_embedded": {
        "showorks": [{
            "id": "",
            "slug": "",
            "created_at": "",
            "updated_at": "",
            "title": "",
            "category": "",
            "medium": ",
            "date": "",
            "dimensions": {
                "in": {
                    "text": "",
                    "height": 70.9,
                    "width": 70.9,
                    "depth": null,
                    "diameter": null
                "cm": {
                    "text": "180.1 × 180.1 cm",
                    "height": 180.1,
                    "width": 180.1,
                    "depth": null,
                    "diameter": null
            "published": true,
            "website": "",
            "signature": "",
            "series": null,
            "prov": "",
            "lit": "",
            "hist": "",
            "isst": "",
            "additional_information": "",
            "image_rights": "",
            "blurb": "",
            "unique": false,
            "maker": null,
            "icon": ,
            "inquire": false,
            "acquire": false,
            "share": true,
            "message": null,
            "image_versions": ,
            "_links": {
                "thumbnail": {
                    "href": ""
                "image": {
                    "href": "",
                    "templated": true
                "partner": {
                    "href": ""
                "self": {
                    "href": ""
                "link": {
                    "href": ""
                "genes": {
                    "href": ""
                "rar": {
                    "href": ""
                "cim": {
                    "href": ""
                "coll": {
                    "href": ""
            "_embedded": {
                "editions": []
        }, {
            "id": "",

我需要每个id的缩略图,但是我不确定如何遍历json以在react / javascript中拉出每个缩略图

首先,我完全建议您使用JSX语法来更好地使用React。 为此,您将需要一些Javascript Array辅助函数和一些方法。


class App extends React.Component
    // We could imagine the incoming JSON data
    // const exampleJson =
    // {
    //  elements:
    //  [
    //    { href: 'example1', text: 'link value', style: { height: '10px' } },
    //  ],
    // };

    // This fetch API will help you to get JSON from URL like JQuery $.get
    const exampleJson = fetch('http://example.com/links.json')
        return response.json(); // get the values of JSON as string type
        return JSON.stringify(myJson); // convert the JSON data to javascript object

    this.setState(exampleJson); // it's like this.setState({ elements: [array values] });

    console.log(exampleJson); // to do debug of your JSON data

   // we getting the elements array from state object
   // with object spread operator
   const { elements } = this.state;

   // get values all of your json array
   // loop values to do React element
   // return all new values to use loopAndSaveElements variable
   const loopAndSaveElements = elements
     .map(({ text, ...otherProps}) => React.createElement('a', otherItems, text));

   // send return div of React as loopAndSaveElements as array children
   return React.createElement("div", null, loopAndSaveElements);

顺便说一句,我没有运行示例的片段。 但我希望它能为您提供信息。

ES6 +来源:


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