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[英]Increment the value of a node in the json after converting the xml to json structure

我有当前格式的xml。 我使用python中的xmltodict库将此xml转换为json。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <status value = "0"/>                   
                    <status value = "0"/>   


json_tree = 
  "MyHouse": {
    "Tid": "1",   --> Need to add this node and its value increments from '1'.
    "status": "0",  --> This node is added to the root level node ONLY as it 
                         is not in the xml shown above !!
    "Garden": {
      "Tid": "2", --> Incremeneted to 2
      "InfoList": {
        "status": {
          "@value": "0"
      "Flowers": {
        "Tid": "3", ---> Incremented to 3
        "InfoList": {
          "status": {
            "@value": "0"

正如我们在上面的json结构中看到的那样,我希望能够向根节点(在本例中为“ MyHouse”)添加默认的“状态”:“ 0”。

我还希望能够为每个节点(例如“花园”,“花朵”)添加“ Tid”。请注意,xml中可能还有更多级别,但为简单起见,此处未显示。具有通用方法。


def add_status(root, el_to_insert):
    # Add "id":"#" to the nodes of the xml
    for el in root:
        if len(list(el)):  # check if element has child nodes
            el.insert(1, el_to_insert)
            el_to_insert = el_to_insert.text + 1 ---> This line of code doesn't seem to work. I want to increment the value of "Tid" everytime its added to the tree? 
            add_status(el, el_to_insert)

def ConverxmltoJson(target):

    xmlConfigFile = ET.parse(target)
    root = xmlConfigFile.getroot()

    state_el = ET.Element("Tid")  # Create `Tid` node, not sure how to add the "status" node to the root "Garden" node.
    state_el.text = "0"
    root.insert(1, state_el)
    add_status(root, state_el)
    json_str = xmltodict.parse(ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf8"))

 with open("xmlconfig.xml") as xmlConfigFile:



通过以下更改,我能够解决根节点的“状态”和“ Tid”的部分。

    state_el = ET.Element("state")  # Create `state` node for root node
    state_el.text = "0"
    root.insert(1, state_el)

    # Adding the Tid node to root level
    id_node = ET.Element("Tid")  # Create `Tid` node
    id_node.text = "0"
    root.insert(1, id_node)

我现在有一个新问题,并在链接上打开了一个新问题: 将“ Tid”节点值更新为全局变量的最终值


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