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无法在Powershell的try / catch语句中捕获异常

[英]Unable to catch the exception in try/catch statement in powershell

我正在尝试在if语句中捕获异常-但即使条件失败, catch不会引发任何异常

我在以下情况下尝试检查文件大小是否大于给定N-gt 如果条件有效,则try部分正在执行,但是即使条件错误,catch部分也不会引发任何错误

$Existing_count_of_files=Get-ChildItem $source_dir | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count
$existing_files= ls $source_dir

#Assuming the Existing_count_of_files is 4, so it should failed

try {
    if($count_of_files.Count -gt $Expected_count_of_file) {
catch {
    Write-Error "Number of file is less"

我需要获取所有失败案例的Expected catch语句。 我尝试了多种方法来获取catch异常,但没有任何效果。


正如Lee_Dailey在评论中提到的那样, catch块仅在它“捕获”从前一try块内部抛出的异常(或在PowerShell中为终止错误)时才执行。

返回$false比较语句也不例外-gt 应该返回布尔值答案!

在你的情况下,只需添加else块到if语句会做, try/catch并没有真正太大的意义:

# I changed the operator to `-ge` - aka. >= or "Greater-than-or-Equal-to"
# based on the assumption that `$Expected_count_of_file` is the minimum number expected 
if($count_of_files.Count -ge $Expected_count_of_file) {
else {
    # This only executes if the `if` condition evaluated to `$false`
    Write-Error "Number of file is less"


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