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Powershell 异常停止执行,即使使用 try/catch

[英]Powershell exception stopping execution even with try/catch

我们有一个 powershell 脚本,它在我们的管道中执行,它有一些命令,如果发生任何错误,它们不应停止。 我尝试将脚本块放在try/catch中,但管道仍然因错误而停止:



    try {   
        az network dns record-set txt add-record `
            -g $ResourceGroup `
            -n "asuid.$DomainName" `
            -v $VerificationId `
            -z $Zone
        $record = az network dns record-set cname create `
            -g $ResourceGroup `
            -n $DomainName `
            -z $Zone `
            -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
        az network dns record-set cname set-record `
            -g $ResourceGroup `
            -n $record.name `
            -c $Alias `
            -z $Zone
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Creating a DNS record was not possible. Consider creating it by hand or review the error:"
        Write-Warning $_

我知道一些解决方法,例如告诉管道继续出错或仅使用-ErrorAction Continue执行 cmdLet,但对我来说,为什么这不能像我一样工作是没有任何意义的。 至少对于来自 C# 和其他语言的我来说,如果您不想重新抛出异常,那将是默认的行为。


编辑 1

这是 yaml 的一部分,其中任务失败:

  - task: AzureCLI@2
    name: create_dns_record
    displayName: "Creates a DNS record for CNAME and TXT on DNS Zone"
      azureSubscription: 'some-azure-subscription'
      scriptType: 'pscore'
      scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
      inlineScript: |
        . $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/cd/NewDNSRecordSet.ps1
        New-DNSRecordSet `
            -ResourceGroup 'rg_zones' `
            -DomainName '$(domain_name)' `
            -Zone '$(dns_zone)' `
            -VerificationId '$(verificationId)' `
            -Alias '$(defaultHostName)' # verificationId and defaultHostName as output from the task CreateInfrastructure.ps1


Creating DNS Recordset for 'mytest.dev' zone.
Adding txt record: asuid.mytest
ResourceNotFoundError: Resource group 'rg_zones' could not be found.
Creating CNAME record: mytest
ResourceNotFoundError: Resource group 'rg_zones' could not be found.
WARNING: Creating a DNS record was not possible.
##[error]Script failed with exit code: 1

因此,为了测试我的假设,我在 PowerShell 中本地编写了这段代码:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

try {
    & 'az' @('group', 'show', '--name', 'foo')

    Write-Host "in try: $LASTEXITCODE"
catch {
    Write-Host "in catch: $LASTEXITCODE"

我得到 output:

Resource group 'foo' could not be found.
in try: 3

因此az命令失败,退出代码非零,但没有引发错误。 try 块执行良好,我的脚本结束。

如果您在管道中运行它,非零退出代码将导致管道失败。 我的建议是创建某种辅助方法来在 PowerShell 中执行 az CLI 命令,验证$LASTEXITCODE并自己抛出错误,以便您稍后捕获它。


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