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错误 CS1513:} 预期和 CS1022:预期文件结束 - 但文件对我来说看起来不错

[英]Error CS1513: } expected & CS1022: End-of-file expected - But file looks fine to me

所以基本上 Unity 控制台向我抛出以下错误,但是我现在已经查看了十几次文件,无法理解为什么我会被抛出这些错误:

CS1513:} 预期(第 52 行)

CS1022:类型或命名空间定义,或预期的文件结尾(第 87 行)


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GameControl : MonoBehaviour
public static GameControl instance;         //A reference to our game control script so we can access it statically.
public Text scoreText;
public Text wordText;                       //A reference to the UI text component that displays the player's score.
public GameObject gameOvertext;             //A reference to the object that displays the text which appears when the player dies.

private int score = 0;                      //The player's score.
public bool gameOver = false;               //Is the game over?
public float scrollSpeed = -1.5f;

void Awake()
    //If we don't currently have a game control...
    if (instance == null){
        //...set this one to be it...
        instance = this;


    else if(instance != this){
        //...destroy this one because it is a duplicate.
        Destroy (gameObject);

public void generateWord()

    var random = new System.Random();
    var wordList = new List<string>{ "sisters","recess","creepy","false", "admit", "apparel", "top", "cattle", "precious", "sugar", "credit", "finger", "watch", "claim", "smash", "bleach", "wrist", "dad", "push", "curve"};
    int index = random.Next(wordList.Count);
    string word = (wordList[index]);

    wordText.text = "WORD: " + word;



public void generateLetters(string word)

    public char[] charArr = word.ToCharArray();
    public int wordLength = charArr.Length;


void Update()
    //If the game is over and the player has pressed some input...
    if (gameOver && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
        //...reload the current scene.

public void BirdScored()
    //The bird can't score if the game is over.
    if (gameOver)
    //If the game is not over, increase the score...
    //...and adjust the score text.
    scoreText.text = "SCORE: " + score.ToString();

public void BirdDied()
    //Activate the game over text.
    gameOvertext.SetActive (true);
    //Set the game to be over.
    gameOver = true;


public void generateLetters(string word) {

     public char[] charArr = word.ToCharArray();
     public int wordLength = charArr.Length;


方法不能包含公共变量,但您可以更改类中的公共变量。 像这样:

    public char[] charArr; // Or private. 
    public int wordLength; // Just make sure it is inside the class.

    // ...

    public void generateLetters(string word) {

        charArr = word.ToCharArray();
        wordLength = charArr.Length;


此外,尽量使您的命名约定保持一致,您的某些函数以大写字母开头,例如BirdScoredBirdDied ,而其他BirdDiedgenerateLettersgenerateWord以小写字母开头。


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