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未从 strtok_s() 获取标记化数组

[英]Not getting tokenized array from strtok_s()

我正在尝试使用 strtok_s() function 对数组进行标记化,但我还想包含对数组进行标记化的分隔符。 如果它是斜杠“/”,我希望数组在任何使用斜杠“/”字符制作的标记处都有斜杠。

我写了一个 function,它接受字符串和分隔符并返回另一个带有标记和分隔符的字符串。

但是,它没有按预期工作,我不知道为什么。 另外,我不太擅长 C 语言。


下面是我的主要 cpp 文件和控制台 output

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct token_stat {
    int n; // for total items in array
    char* r_array; // pointer to the array returned from function

//        function for passing a string and a delimeter and getting back
//        the array with tokenized items including the delimeter 
token_stat append_token_delim(char* string_in, char splitter[])
    token_stat result; 
    char* token = NULL ;      // initialize variables for STRTOK_S func
    char* next_token = NULL ;
    char* token_accum = (char*)malloc(2*sizeof(string_in)) ;  // allcate memory twice that of the string we are tokenizing
    char* delim = splitter; // pointer to the delimeter in main function 
    int i = 0;

    token = strtok_s(string_in, delim, &next_token); // first call and getting the token
    while (token != NULL)
        token_accum[i] = token[0]; // add the token to token_accum array
        token_accum[i + 1] = *delim;  // now add the delimeter character next to the 1st token
        printf("%s\t%s\n", token, delim); // print token and the delimeter
        token = strtok_s(NULL, delim, &next_token); // make call again to strtok to get next token
        i = i + 2;  // increment index by 2 to get to the next token

    int numberOfTokens = sizeof(*token_accum) / sizeof(token_accum[0]);  // get total items in token_accum array for printing in main
    result.n = numberOfTokens;     // passing values to TOKEN_STAT STRUCT 
    result.r_array = token_accum;    // passing the array to STRUCT
    return result;    // returning the struct back 

// printing the array 
void print_tokens(token_stat in_array)
{  printf("Number of Tokens in Array; %d", in_array.n); 

int main()
    char str[] = "- Thi;s,ansample()str;ing.";
    token_stat main_accum;
    char delimeter = '/';

    main_accum = append_token_delim(str, &delimeter);

    return 0;


您想在 token_accum 中存储多个字符串,但您只存储第一个字符token_accum[i] = token[0];


token_accum[i] = token;


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