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将自定义视图从缩略图更改为文本 - Roku Scenegraph Developer Extension SGDEX

[英]Change Custom View from Thumbnail to text - Roku Scenegraph Developer Extension SGDEX

目前,Roku Scenegraph 中的客户模板仅显示来自网格提要的缩略图。

我想改用来自网格提要的完整描述。 我将如何 go 改变这个?

从 GridHandler 解析。 (注意下面的描述。现在它显示 hdPosterUrl。我希望 CustomView 显示描述)。

function ParseMediaItemToNode(mediaItem as Object, mediaType as String) as Object
itemNode = Utils_AAToContentNode({
        "id": mediaItem.id
        "title": mediaItem.title
        "hdPosterUrl": mediaItem.thumbnail
        "Description": mediaItem.Description
        "Categories": mediaItem.genres[0]


    if currentItem.url <> invalid and currentItem.url <> ""
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Play", id: "play" })
    else if details.content.TITLE = "series" 
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Episodes", id: "episodes" })
    else if details.content.TITLE = "SERIES"
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Episodes", id: "episodes" })
    end if

    buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Custom", id: "thumbnail" })

从详细信息视图调用 ID。 同样,我需要将 hdPosterURL 更改为文本/描述。

else if selectedButton.id = "thumbnail"
    if details.currentItem.hdPosterUrl <> invalid then
    end if
    ' handle all other button presses
end if


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <component name="custom" extends="Group" >
      <field id="picPath" type="string" alias="thumbnail.uri" />
        <Poster id="thumbnail" translation="[0,0]" width="1280" height="720" />


sub ShowCustomView(hdPosterUrl as String)
    m.customView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "custom")
    m.customView.picPath = hdPosterUrl
    m.top.ComponentController.CallFunc("show", {
        view: m.customView
end sub


sub ShowCustomView(description as String)
m.customView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "custom")
m.customView.fullDesc = description
m.top.ComponentController.CallFunc("show", {
    view: m.customView
end sub

添加 Label 作为孩子,并删除海报,因为我们不需要任何海报来显示描述文本,并为标签文本添加别名。 定制.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <component name="custom" extends="Group" >
      <field id="fullDesc" type="string" alias="fullDescription.text" />
      <Label id="fullDescription" translation="[0,0]" width="1280" height="720" wrap="true"/>

重命名传递的参数、按钮 ID 和按钮标题DetailsViewLogic.brs

sub OnDetailsContentSet(event as Object)
details = event.GetRoSGNode()
currentItem = event.GetData()
if currentItem <> invalid
    buttonsToCreate = []

    if currentItem.url <> invalid and currentItem.url <> ""
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Play", id: "play" })
    else if details.content.TITLE = "series"
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Episodes", id: "episodes" })
    end if

    buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Description", id: "description" })

    if buttonsToCreate.Count() = 0
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "No Content to play", id: "no_content" })
    end if
    btnsContent = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
    btnsContent.Update({ children: buttonsToCreate })
end if
details.buttons = btnsContent
end sub

sub OnButtonSelected(event as Object)
details = event.GetRoSGNode()
selectedButton = details.buttons.GetChild(event.GetData())

if selectedButton.id = "play"
    OpenVideoPlayer(details.content, details.itemFocused, details.isContentList)
else if selectedButton.id = "episodes"
    if details.currentItem.seasons <> invalid then
    end if
else if selectedButton.id = "description"
    if details.currentItem.hdPosterUrl <> invalid then
    end if
    ' handle all other button presses
end if
end sub

为此,您只需将 label 组件添加到您的自定义屏幕,并使用接口将描述传递给自定义屏幕,请参阅:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <component name="custom" extends="Group" >
      <field id="picPath" type="string" alias="thumbnail.uri" />
      <field id="textDescription" type="string" alias="label.text" />
        <Poster id="thumbnail" translation="[0,0]" width="1280" height="720" />
        <Label id="label" translation="[100,100]" width="1000" wrap="true" />


sub ShowCustomView(hdPosterUrl as String, description as String)
    m.customView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "custom")
    m.customView.picPath = hdPosterUrl
    m.customView.textDescription = description
    m.top.ComponentController.CallFunc("show", {
        view: m.customView
end sub


else if selectedButton.id = "thumbnail"
    currentItem = details.currentItem
    if currentItem <> invalid then
        ShowCustomView(currentItem.hdPosterUrl, currentItem.description)
    end if

此外,最好从 SGDEX CustomView 扩展自定义组件。


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