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Change Custom View from Thumbnail to text - Roku Scenegraph Developer Extension SGDEX

Currently the Customer template in Roku Scenegraph just shows the thumbnail from the grid feed.

I would like to use the full description from the grid feed, instead. How would I go about changing this?

Parse from GridHandler. (Notice the description below. Right now it shows hdPosterUrl. I would like the CustomView to show the Description instead).

function ParseMediaItemToNode(mediaItem as Object, mediaType as String) as Object
itemNode = Utils_AAToContentNode({
        "id": mediaItem.id
        "title": mediaItem.title
        "hdPosterUrl": mediaItem.thumbnail
        "Description": mediaItem.Description
        "Categories": mediaItem.genres[0]

Details View (notice the Custom and thumbnail below. Need to change thumbnail to description)

    if currentItem.url <> invalid and currentItem.url <> ""
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Play", id: "play" })
    else if details.content.TITLE = "series" 
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Episodes", id: "episodes" })
    else if details.content.TITLE = "SERIES"
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Episodes", id: "episodes" })
    end if

    buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Custom", id: "thumbnail" })

Calling the ID from the Details view. Again, I need to change hdPosterURL to text / description.

else if selectedButton.id = "thumbnail"
    if details.currentItem.hdPosterUrl <> invalid then
    end if
    ' handle all other button presses
end if


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <component name="custom" extends="Group" >
      <field id="picPath" type="string" alias="thumbnail.uri" />
        <Poster id="thumbnail" translation="[0,0]" width="1280" height="720" />


sub ShowCustomView(hdPosterUrl as String)
    m.customView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "custom")
    m.customView.picPath = hdPosterUrl
    m.top.ComponentController.CallFunc("show", {
        view: m.customView
end sub

Marlon: Seems like it could be done via changing files likes this: Change passed and passing param to description CustomViewLogic.brs

sub ShowCustomView(description as String)
m.customView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "custom")
m.customView.fullDesc = description
m.top.ComponentController.CallFunc("show", {
    view: m.customView
end sub

Add Label as a child, and delete Poster, as we don't need any poster to show text of description, and add alias for label's text. custom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <component name="custom" extends="Group" >
      <field id="fullDesc" type="string" alias="fullDescription.text" />
      <Label id="fullDescription" translation="[0,0]" width="1280" height="720" wrap="true"/>

rename passed params, button id and button title DetailsViewLogic.brs

sub OnDetailsContentSet(event as Object)
details = event.GetRoSGNode()
currentItem = event.GetData()
if currentItem <> invalid
    buttonsToCreate = []

    if currentItem.url <> invalid and currentItem.url <> ""
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Play", id: "play" })
    else if details.content.TITLE = "series"
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Episodes", id: "episodes" })
    end if

    buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "Description", id: "description" })

    if buttonsToCreate.Count() = 0
        buttonsToCreate.Push({ title: "No Content to play", id: "no_content" })
    end if
    btnsContent = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
    btnsContent.Update({ children: buttonsToCreate })
end if
details.buttons = btnsContent
end sub

sub OnButtonSelected(event as Object)
details = event.GetRoSGNode()
selectedButton = details.buttons.GetChild(event.GetData())

if selectedButton.id = "play"
    OpenVideoPlayer(details.content, details.itemFocused, details.isContentList)
else if selectedButton.id = "episodes"
    if details.currentItem.seasons <> invalid then
    end if
else if selectedButton.id = "description"
    if details.currentItem.hdPosterUrl <> invalid then
    end if
    ' handle all other button presses
end if
end sub

To do so you should simply add label component to your custom screen and pass the description to custom screen using interface, please see:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <component name="custom" extends="Group" >
      <field id="picPath" type="string" alias="thumbnail.uri" />
      <field id="textDescription" type="string" alias="label.text" />
        <Poster id="thumbnail" translation="[0,0]" width="1280" height="720" />
        <Label id="label" translation="[100,100]" width="1000" wrap="true" />


sub ShowCustomView(hdPosterUrl as String, description as String)
    m.customView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "custom")
    m.customView.picPath = hdPosterUrl
    m.customView.textDescription = description
    m.top.ComponentController.CallFunc("show", {
        view: m.customView
end sub


else if selectedButton.id = "thumbnail"
    currentItem = details.currentItem
    if currentItem <> invalid then
        ShowCustomView(currentItem.hdPosterUrl, currentItem.description)
    end if

Also, it is better to extent custom component from SGDEX CustomView.

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