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flask restful api 中的 add_resource() 中的端点参数有什么用?

[英]what is the use of endpoint parameter in add_resource() in flask restful api?


in app.py
# Get the List of the devices
api.add_resource(DeviceDetail, "/v1/t/device/")
# Create new Devices
api.add_resource(DeviceDetail, "/v1/t/device/create")

in controller/device.py
class DeviceDetail(Resource):
      def get(): 
         #some code to list out all the device and return the response
      def post():
         #some code to insert the record to db and return the response

AssertionError:查看 function 映射正在覆盖现有端点 function:设备详细信息。

如果我将端点参数传递给 add_resource() 那么我没有收到任何错误。

# Get the List of the devices
api.add_resource(DeviceDetail, "/v1/t/device/",endpoint='get_the_list_of_deives')
# Create new Devices
api.add_resource(DeviceDetail, "/v1/t/device/create",endpoint='create_the_deivce')


Flask 文档说:


如果您不提供端点 Flask 将为您创建默认端点,并且您的错误清楚地说明了问题所在。 View function mapping is overwriting an existing endpoint function: devicedetail


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