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[英]Is accessing one member in a union that copied from a union with another member set undefined or unspecified?

考虑下面的代码片段,假设AB都是相同大小的平凡类型,比如int64_tdouble ,或类似的东西:

union Punner {
  A x;
  B y;

Punner copy(Punner in)
  return in;

A pun(B in)
  Punner temp;
  temp.y = in;
  return copy(temp).x;

虽然我知道,行temp.y = in开始中的lifettime y成员temp和阅读temp.x将是不确定的,当我得到的一个新副本Punner从类型copy功能,它应该被假定副本的y成员的生命周期也已经开始,读取副本的x成员仍未定义,或者只是未指定,在获得副本后,我实际上可以自由地从xy读取(在这种情况下从x读取)?



Punner temp; //data in memory could be anything

temp.y = in; //data contains 8 bytes that describe an integer with the value in

copy(temp); //the copied data is 8 bytes that describe an integer with the value in

copy(temp).x; //accessing those 8 bytes as if they describe a double : getting giberish.


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