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[英]Special signs with Regex Replace

我想用正则表达式替换字符串,但我不能替换正则表达式特殊符号 - 我只想将正则表达式读取^等作为普通字符串而不是特殊符号。 我试过\\\\但它仍然无法正常工作。

public static string ReplaceXmlEntity(string source)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) return source;
    var xmlEntityReplacements = new Dictionary<string, string>
        // Find all the original spaces and replace with a space
        // and placemarker for the space
        {" ", " ^"},
        {" \\^ \\^", " ^"},
        // Find all the double quotes and replace with placemarker 
        {"''", " ~ "},
        // Add extra spaces around key values so they can be isolated in
        // into their own array slots
        {",", " , "},
        {"'", " ' " },
        {"'('", " ( " },
        {"')'", " ) " },
        // Replace all the special characters and extra spaces
        {"\n", " 0x000A " },
        {"\r", " 0x000D " },
        {"\t", " 0x0009 " },
        {"\v", " 0x000B " },
    return Regex.Replace(source, string.Join("|", xmlEntityReplacements.Keys
        .Select(k => k.ToString()).ToArray()), m => xmlEntityReplacements[m.Value]);

当您对字典键中的特殊字符进行转义时,除非您对匹配项进行转义,否则您将无法再访问它们,但这可能会导致其他问题。 这意味着您应该使用Regex.Escape分别转义每个字典键:

xmlEntityReplacements.Keys.Select(k => Regex.Escape(k.ToString()))



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