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c# 如何从包含格式的字符串中仅提取格式(例如 string = "Printed on {0:dd MMM yyyy}" 并且我想要 dd MMM yyyy

[英]c# How to extract just the format from a string containing a format (e.g. string = "Printed on {0:dd MMM yyyy}" and I want dd MMM yyyy


var str = "FormatedDate:Printed {0:dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss}"


"dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"

我知道我可以使用字符串操作或正则表达式来做到这一点,但是有没有一种使用string / format等的 .Net 方法来做到这一点。例如,而不是将给定的字符串插入到我需要提取该格式的格式中。



            string str = "FormatedDate:Printed {0:dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss}";
            string pattern = @"{\d+:(?'date'[^}]+)";
            Match match = Regex.Match(str, pattern);
            string date = match.Groups["date"].Value;


            string str = "FormatedDate:Printed {0:dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss}";

            string[] splitData = str.Split(new char[] { '{' });
            string date = splitData[1].Substring(splitData[1].IndexOf(":") + 1);
            date = date.Replace("}", "");


            string str = "FormatedDate:Printed {0:dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss}";

            string[] splitData = str.Split(new char[] { '{', '}' });
            string date = splitData[1].Substring(splitData[1].IndexOf(":") + 1);


/// <summary>
/// A detected argument in a format string
/// </summary>
public class DetectedFormat
    public DetectedFormat(int position, string format)
        Position = position;
        Format = format;

    public int Position { get; set; }
    public string Format { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Implements IFormattable. Used to collect format placeholders
/// </summary>
public class FormatDetector: IFormattable
    private int _position;
    List<DetectedFormat> _list;

    public FormatDetector(int position, List<DetectedFormat> list)
        _position = position;
        _list = list;

    public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
        DetectedFormat detectedFormat = new DetectedFormat(_position, format);

        // Return the placeholder without the format
        return "{" + _position + "}";


// Max index of arguments to support
int maxIndex = 20;

string f = "Text {1:-3} with {0} some {2:0.###} format {0:dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} data";

// Empty list to collect the detected formats
List<DetectedFormat> detectedFormats = new List<DetectedFormat>();

// Create list of fake arguments
FormatDetector[] argumentDetectors = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, maxIndex + 1)
                                        select new FormatDetector(i, detectedFormats)).ToArray();

// Use string.format with fake arguments to collect the formats
string strippedFormat = string.Format(f, argumentDetectors);

// Output format string without the formats

// output info on the formats used
foreach(var detectedFormat in detectedFormats)
    Console.WriteLine(detectedFormat.Position + " - " + detectedFormat.Format);


 文本 {1} 和 {0} 一些 {2} 格式的 {0} 数据 \n 1 - -3 \n 0 -  \n 2 - 0.###\n 0 - dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss


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