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在 Neo4J 中使用 Cypher 连接两个子查询

[英]Joining two subqueries with Cypher in Neo4J

我有以下 SQL 查询:

SELECT q1.customerId, q1.invoiceId, q2.workId, sum(q2.price)
FROM (select customer.id as customerId, invoice.id as invoiceId, work.id as workId from customer, invoice, workinvoice, work where customer.id=invoice.customerid and invoice.id=workinvoice.invoiceId and workinvoice.workId=work.id
) as q1, (select work.id as workId, sum((price * hours * workhours.discount) + (purchaseprice * amount * useditem.discount)) as price from worktype,workhours,work,warehouseitem,useditem where worktype.id=workhours.worktypeid and workhours.workid=work.id and work.id=useditem.workid and useditem.warehouseitemid=warehouseitem.id group by work.id
) as q2
WHERE q1.workId = q2.workId group by q1.invoiceId;


我很想知道如何在 Neo4J 中进行这种查询。 我知道有 UNION https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/current/clauses/union/ 但是,这似乎确实符合我的要求。 我需要创建两个子查询并从与该 SQL 示例中相同的节点加入它们。 使用 Cypher 执行此操作的正确方法是什么?

有一个非常复杂的示例,说明如何在 cypher 中进行连接,您可以在这里找到: https : //github.com/moxious/halin/blob/master/src/api/data/queries/dbms/3.5/tasks.js #L22

基本上,该技术是您运行第一个查询,收集结果。 然后你运行第二个,收集结果。 然后展开第二个,使用过滤器匹配,并返回结果。


CALL something() YIELD a, b
WITH collect({ a: a, b: b }) as resultSet1
CALL somethingElse YIELD a, c
WITH resultSet1, collect({ a: a, c: c }) as resultSet2

UNWIND resultSet2 as rec
WITH [item in resultSet1 WHERE item.a = rec.a][0] as match, rec

RETURN match.a, match.b, rec.c

列表理解位基本上是在做连接。 在这里,我们加入了“a”领域。


MATCH (inv:invoice)-[:WORK_INVOICE]->(w:work)<-[h:WORKHOURS]-(wt:worktype) WITH inv, w, SUM(wt.price * h.hours * h.discount)作为 workTimePrice OPTIONAL MATCH (w)-[u:USED_ITEM]->(i:item) WITH inv, workTimePrice + SUM(u.amount * u.discount * i.purchaseprice) as workItemPrice RETURN inv, sum(workItemPrice) as invoicePrice


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