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[英]Error for variable to be initialized but it already is?

我的 Java 代码有问题。 它还没有完成,但我有一个错误告诉我变量 disRate 尚未初始化但它已经在 else if 语句中。

这是介绍 Java class 的额外学分计划; 它是一种根据用户输入的数量和价格计算打折商品最终价格的算法。

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DiscountDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // start code here

        int quantity;
        double itemPrice, totalCost, disRate, disCost, netAmount;

        Scanner get = new Scanner(System.in);

        //user prompt
        System.out.print("Enter the quantity of an item: --> ");
        quantity = get.nextInt();

        System.out.print("Enter the price of an item: --> ");
        itemPrice = get.nextInt();

        //decision statements
        if(quantity <= 0 || itemPrice <=0)
            System.out.println("\nInvalid Data!\n");

        else if(quantity <= 9)
            disRate = 0;

        }//if quantity <=9 end
        else if(quantity >= 10 && quantity <= 19)
            disRate = .1;

        }//if quantity >=10 || <= 19 end
        else if(quantity >= 20 && quantity <= 49)
            disRate = .2;

        }//if quantity >=20 || <= 49 end
        else if(quantity >= 50 && quantity <=99)
            disRate = .3;

        }//if quantity >=50 || <= 99 end
        else if(quantity >= 100)
            disRate = .35;

        }//if quantity >=100 end

        totalCost = quantity * itemPrice;
        disCost = totalCost * disRate;
        netAmount = itemPrice - disCost;

    } //main end

} //class end

问题是您仅在IF语句中初始化disRate ,如果所有 boolean 条件为假, disRate将永远不会被初始化,并且disCost = totalCost * disRate; 不可能完成。

IDE 检测到这种情况并要求您用一个值初始化disRate

只要做double disRate = 0; 在代码的开头或添加else语句来初始化disRate

你只是声明它,没有初始化。 你没有else,只有if-elseif,当然当值大于或等于100时会进入最后的if-else,但是编译器不可能这么聪明。

    } else if(quantity >= 50 && quantity <=99){
        disRate = .3;

    }else  {
        disRate = .35;


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