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Java:while 循环未检测到中断条件,但 if 块检测到

[英]Java : while loop not detecting break condition but if block does

只想跳出这个 while 循环。 当我假设条件不会中断时,条件不会中断,但它确实会被后续的 if 语句注册。

  String current_Class_Name = "";
  int current_Class_Rating;  

    while(!current_Class_Name.equals("Done")) {

      // * Get class name.
      System.out.println("What class are you rating?");
      current_Class_Name = in.nextLine();
      // *
      // if(current_Class_Name.equals("Done")) {
      // System.out.println("Detected 'Done'");
      // break;
      // }

      // * Get class rating.
      System.out.println("How many plus signs does " + current_Class_Name + " get?");
      current_Class_Rating = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());

      // * If user inputs an invalid rating (not a value between 0-5),
      // * keep prompting them until they enter a valid input.
      while(current_Class_Rating > 5 || current_Class_Rating < 0) {
        System.out.println("Sorry, but you can only give a rating of 0-5.");
        System.out.println("How many plus signs does " + current_Class_Name + " get?");
        current_Class_Rating = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());

      // * TODO
      // * Add to STRING and INTEGER LISTS.

可能是某种调用顺序问题,因为 String 在进入 while 循环时为“空”。 对不起任何格式。


注意:我通常使用 C#,据我所知,while 循环会在完成整个迭代之前尝试并检测条件情况。

编辑:if 语句不是用来运行的,而只是为了证明两件事:1)可以检测到中断条件,2)在给定时间中断。



    String current_Class_Name = null;
    Integer current_Class_Rating = null;

    do {
        // * Get class name.
        System.out.println("What class are you rating?");
        current_Class_Name = in.nextLine().trim();

        try {
            // * Get class rating.
            System.out.println(String.format("How many plus signs does '%s' get?",current_Class_Name));
            current_Class_Rating = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine().trim());
        }catch(NumberFormatException e) {
            current_Class_Rating = null;

        if((current_Class_Rating == null)||(!(current_Class_Rating>=0 && current_Class_Rating <=5))) {
            System.out.println("Invalid rating value! Rating must be integer 0-5!");
            continue;  // skips back to beginning of the loop

        // * TODO
        // * Add to STRING and INTEGER LISTS.


您的问题似乎是基于一个误解, while循环只会在条件在顶部被重新评估为false时终止(而不是在变量被更新的瞬间)。 但是,您可以使提示、分配和评估同时发生。 首先,创建一个辅助方法。 像,

private static String promptForClassName(Scanner in) {
    System.out.println("What class are you rating?");
    return in.nextLine();

然后,将它与赋值(作为副作用)评估为赋值的事实一起使用; 另外,遵循标准 Java 驼峰命名约定。 像,

String currentClassName;
while (!(currentClassName = promptForClassName(in)).equalsIgnoreCase("Done")) {
    String prompt = "How many plus signs does " + currentClassName + " get?";
    // * Get class rating.
    int currentClassRating = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());

    // * If user inputs an invalid rating (not a value between 0-5),
    // * keep prompting them until they enter a valid input.
    while (currentClassRating > 5 || currentClassRating < 0) {
        System.out.println("Sorry, but you can only give a rating of 0-5.");
        currentClassRating = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());

    // * TODO
    // * Add to STRING and INTEGER LISTS.
System.out.println("Detected 'Done'");


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