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Django - 如何在模板中获取长度和计数命令? (模板中的查询集)

[英]Django - how to get length and count commands in template? (query-set in template)

我有这些模块:Django 中的 Sales、Gender 和 Type。


class Sales(models.Model):
    sname = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="-")
    sgender = models.ForeignKey(MainGender, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    stype = models.ForeignKey(MainTypes, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    sdate = models.TextField(default="-")   

    | name |gende| type | date |
    | A    | 1   | 1    | 2019 |
    | B    | 2   | 1    | 2018 |
    | A    | 1   | 3    | 2019 |
    | C    | 2   | 3    | 2017 |
    | A    | 1   | 2    | 2019 |


class MainGender(models.Model):
    mid = models.CharField(max_length=25, default="-")
    mgender = models.CharField(max_length=25, default="-")

| id | gender |
| 1  | Male   |
| 2  | Female |
| 3  | -      |

表 3(重点)

class MainTypes(models.Model):
    tid = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="-")
    ttype = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="-")

| id | type |
| 1  | U1   |
| 2  | X2   |
| 3  | B1   |
| 4  | H3   |


| Total records | 5 |
| Male          | 3 |
| Female        | 2 |
| Type U1       | 2 |
| Type X2       | 1 |
| Type B1       | 2 |
| Type H3       | 0 |



def Sale_p(request):
    saless = Sale.objects.all()
    return render(request, 'sale.html', {'sales':saless})

我在模板 (sale.html) 中尝试了这些代码

{{ sales|length }} (gives you total records in Table 1, in this example 5)

{{ sales.gender|length }} (gives nothing)

{{ sales.type|length }} (gives nothing) 

{{ sales.gender_set|length }} (gives nothing)

{{ sales.type_set|length }} (gives nothing)

{{ sales.gender(1)|length }} (gives nothing)

{{ sales(gender='1')|length }} (gives nothing)

{{ sales.gender.count() }} (gives nothing)

他们没有在模板中工作。 我想在记录中看到我们有多少次“男性”或“女性”或类型等等......


| Total records | {{ sales|length }} |
| Male          | ?                  |
| Female        | ?                  |
| Type U1       | ?                  |
| Type X2       | ?                  |
| Type B1       | ?                  |
| Type H3       | ?                  |

为他人获取结果的代码应该是什么? 或者我应该在 views.py 中使用不同的方式?


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