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构造函数内部和构造函数外部的 forall 量词之间的区别

[英]Difference between forall quantifier inside a constructor and outside a constructor

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

import Data.Proxy

data Foo = FooA | FooB

class Bar (a :: k) where
    bar :: Proxy a -> Int

instance Bar FooA where
    bar _ = 1

instance Bar FooB where
    bar _ = 2

foo1 :: forall (a :: Foo). Proxy a -> (Bar a => Proxy a)
foo1 p = p

data BarProxy = BarProxy (forall a. Bar a => Proxy a)

foo2 :: forall (a :: Foo). Proxy a -> BarProxy
foo2 p = BarProxy (foo1 p)

main = print "Hello World"


  1. 是否foo1 ,给定任何Proxy a ,其中aFoo ,返回一个Proxy a使得a具有Bar的实例?
  2. BarProxy构造函数不接受任何Proxy a ,其中a有一个Bar实例? data BarProxy = forall a. BarProxy (Bar a => Proxy a)有什么区别data BarProxy = forall a. BarProxy (Bar a => Proxy a) data BarProxy = forall a. BarProxy (Bar a => Proxy a) ?
  3. 为什么foo2 p = BarProxy (foo1 p)失败并出现以下错误?
Test6.hs:27:20: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘a1’ with ‘a’
      ‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        a type expected by the context:
          forall (a1 :: Foo). Bar a1 => Proxy a1
        at Test6.hs:27:10-26
      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          foo2 :: forall (a :: Foo). Proxy a -> BarProxy
        at Test6.hs:26:1-46
      Expected type: Proxy a1
        Actual type: Proxy a
    • In the first argument of ‘BarProxy’, namely ‘(foo1 p)’
      In the expression: BarProxy (foo1 p)
      In an equation for ‘foo2’: foo2 p = BarProxy (foo1 p)
    • Relevant bindings include
        p :: Proxy a (bound at Test6.hs:27:6)
        foo2 :: Proxy a -> BarProxy (bound at Test6.hs:27:1)
27 | foo2 p = BarProxy (foo1 p)
   |                    ^^^^^^
  1. 不。我的理解是foo1的签名与forall (a :: Foo). Bar a => Proxy a -> Proxy a forall (a :: Foo). Bar a => Proxy a -> Proxy a (虽然我找不到任何文件)。 在 ghci 中, :t foo1给出foo1 :: Bar a => Proxy a -> Proxy a 给定任何Proxy a ,其中aFoo类型和Bar一个实例,它返回Proxy a

  2. 不。构造函数BarProxy具有 rank-2 多态类型(forall a. Bar a => Proxy a) -> BarProxy 这意味着只有当p具有类型Proxy a所有类型a它是Bar的实例)时,参数p才能传递给BarProxy 如果你想要存在量化的一个,你可以写

    data BarProxy = forall a. Bar a => BarProxy (Proxy a)


    data BarProxy where BarProxy :: forall a. Bar a => Proxy a -> BarProxy


    让我们调用forall a. Bar a => Proxy a -> BarProxy类型的BarProxy forall a. Bar a => Proxy a -> BarProxy forall a. Bar a => Proxy a -> BarProxy存在性BarProxy和类型(forall a. Bar a => Proxy a) -> BarProxy通用BarProxy 为存在一个,参数p的类型应该是任何Proxy FooAProxy FooB (存在上定量比{a | a is an instance of Bar} = {FooA,FooB} 另一方面,对于通用的, p应该同时具有Proxy FooAProxy FooB (在同一集合上普遍量化)。 让我们考虑下面的三个代理。

     proxyFooA :: Proxy FooA proxyFooA = Proxy proxyFooB :: Proxy FooB proxyFooB = Proxy proxyPoly :: forall a. Proxy a proxyPoly = Proxy

    Existential BarProxy接受三者中的任何一个,而通用proxyPoly只接受proxyPoly

  3. foo2 p = BarProxy (foo1 p)为存在的BarProxy编译。


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