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上传新行 JSON 到 Elasticsearch 批量 API

[英]Upload new line JSON to Elasticsearch bulk API

我正在尝试使用批量 API 将新行 JSON 上传到 Elasticsearch。 我上传的批量 JSON 看起来像这样,每个 JSON 都在一个新行上:

{"ip": "x.x.x.x", "seen": true, "classification": "malicious", "spoofable": false, "first_seen": "2020-03-31", "last_seen": "2020-04-15", "actor": "unknown", "tags": ["ADB Worm", "HTTP Alt Scanner", "Mirai", "Web Scanner"], "cve": [], "metadata": {"country": "United Kingdom", "country_code": "GB", "city": "redacted", "organization": "redacted", "rdns": "", "asn": "ASxxx", "tor": false, "os": "Linux 2.2-3.x", "category": "isp"}, "raw_data": {"scan": [{"port": 80, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 81, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 88, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 5555, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 8080, "protocol": "TCP"}], "web": {}, "ja3": []}}
{"ip": "x.x.x.x", "seen": true, "classification": "malicious", "spoofable": true, "first_seen": "2020-04-09", "last_seen": "2020-04-11", "actor": "unknown", "tags": ["Eternalblue", "SMB Scanner"], "cve": ["CVE-2017-0144"], "metadata": {"country": "United Kingdom", "country_code": "GB", "city": "redacted", "organization": "redacted", "rdns": "host.somehost.com", "asn": "ASxxx", "tor": false, "os": "Windows 7/8", "category": "isp"}, "raw_data": {"scan": [{"port": 445, "protocol": "TCP"}], "web": {}, "ja3": []}}
{"ip": "x.x.x.x", "seen": true, "classification": "malicious", "spoofable": true, "first_seen": "2019-09-05", "last_seen": "2020-04-06", "actor": "unknown", "tags": ["Mirai"], "cve": [], "metadata": {"country": "United Kingdom", "country_code": "GB", "city": "redacted", "organization": "redacted", "rdns": "redacted", "asn": "ASxxx", "tor": false, "os": "Linux 2.2.x-3.x (Embedded)", "category": "isp"}, "raw_data": {"scan": [{"port": 23, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 2323, "protocol": "TCP"}], "web": {}, "ja3": []}}

JSON 的头部没有索引或键。 当然,当我尝试使用此命令上传它时(my_index 是一个没有映射的空白索引)。

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/x-ndjson' -X POST http://localhost:9200/my_index/_bulk --data-binary @my_newline_json.json


{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"The bulk request must be terminated by a newline [\\n]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"The bulk request must be terminated by a newline [\\n]"},"status":400}

因此,如果我按照文档正确理解了问题,那么问题是错误是因为在 JSON 的开头没有指定索引或类型。 我的问题是我不明白如何添加必要的索引和类型,以便可以读取 JSON。

我正在使用 Curl 创建数据并将数据添加到我的索引中,那么最好的方法是格式化 curl 命令以正确创建索引并允许上传我的 JSON?

(我之前使用过MosheZada提供的出色的 Elasticsearch_loader 工具,它可以让您在命令中指定索引和类型。这效果很好,但我试图了解该命令中发生了什么以及如何使用 Curl 做同样的事情,如果需要。)

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/x-ndjson' -XPOST 'localhost:9200/index-name/doc-type/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary @my_newline_json.json

将您的批量 JSON 更改为以下格式。 您的my_newline_json.json应如下所示:

{"ip": "x.x.x.x", "seen": true, "classification": "malicious", "spoofable": false, "first_seen": "2020-03-31", "last_seen": "2020-04-15", "actor": "unknown", "tags": ["ADB Worm", "HTTP Alt Scanner", "Mirai", "Web Scanner"], "cve": [], "metadata": {"country": "United Kingdom", "country_code": "GB", "city": "redacted", "organization": "redacted", "rdns": "", "asn": "ASxxx", "tor": false, "os": "Linux 2.2-3.x", "category": "isp"}, "raw_data": {"scan": [{"port": 80, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 81, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 88, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 5555, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 8080, "protocol": "TCP"}], "web": {}, "ja3": []}}
{"ip": "x.x.x.x", "seen": true, "classification": "malicious", "spoofable": true, "first_seen": "2020-04-09", "last_seen": "2020-04-11", "actor": "unknown", "tags": ["Eternalblue", "SMB Scanner"], "cve": ["CVE-2017-0144"], "metadata": {"country": "United Kingdom", "country_code": "GB", "city": "redacted", "organization": "redacted", "rdns": "host.somehost.com", "asn": "ASxxx", "tor": false, "os": "Windows 7/8", "category": "isp"}, "raw_data": {"scan": [{"port": 445, "protocol": "TCP"}], "web": {}, "ja3": []}}
{"ip": "x.x.x.x", "seen": true, "classification": "malicious", "spoofable": true, "first_seen": "2019-09-05", "last_seen": "2020-04-06", "actor": "unknown", "tags": ["Mirai"], "cve": [], "metadata": {"country": "United Kingdom", "country_code": "GB", "city": "redacted", "organization": "redacted", "rdns": "redacted", "asn": "ASxxx", "tor": false, "os": "Linux 2.2.x-3.x (Embedded)", "category": "isp"}, "raw_data": {"scan": [{"port": 23, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 2323, "protocol": "TCP"}], "web": {}, "ja3": []}}


批量 JSON 格式:


Output 结果:



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