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如何使用 ansible 和 pip 安装 ansible

[英]How to install ansible using ansible and pip

Hi I'm trying to install ansible with pip using vagrant and ansible in a ubuntu server Trusty64. 我使用角色安装 python3 并在角色中安装 ansible 是:

# tasks file for roles/ansible
- name: install pip3
  apt: name=python3-pip state=present
  tags: ansible

- name: install librerias dev
  apt: name=libssl-dev state=present
  tags: ansible

- name: install librerias essential
  apt: name=build-essential state=present
  tags: ansible

- name: install librerias libdev
  apt: name=libffi-dev state=present
  tags: ansible

- name: install librerias pydev
  apt: name=python-dev state=present
  tags: ansible

- name: install librerias pydev
  apt: upgrade=yes
  tags: ansible

- name: install setuptools
  command: pip3 install setuptools
  tags: ansible

- name: upgrade setuptools
  command: pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
  tags: ansible

- name: install ansible
  command: pip3 install ansible
  tags: ansible

安装 python3 和 pip3 后,安装 ansible 安装失败,并出现下一个错误回溯:

Python 3.5 or later is required",                                                                   
    "stderr_lines": [
        "Traceback (most recent call last):", 
        "  File \"/usr/bin/pip3\", line 5, in <module>", 
        "    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point", 
        "  File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py\", line 93, in <module>", 
        "    raise RuntimeError(\"Python 3.5 or later is required\")", 
        "RuntimeError: Python 3.5 or later is required"
    "stdout": "", 
    "stdout_lines": []

而且我不明白为什么我也应该解决这个问题,因为我已经使用这个角色安装了 python3:

# tasks file for roles/python3

- name: aniadir repositorio
   repo: ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
   state: present

- name: actualizar cache
  apt: update_cache=yes

- name: instalar python3
  apt: name=python3.7 state=present

我已经使用 pip3 来安装 setuptools 并对其进行升级。 我会很感激你的帮助。 谢谢。

根据this answer ,您需要添加:

- name: Select python3.7 as default python3
    name: python3
    path: /usr/bin/python3.7

正如您在错误中看到的,Ansible 尝试使用 Python 3.4 安装 Ansible:


Python 3.4 是您安装的默认 Python 3。 安装 Python 3.7 仅安装python3.7但不会使其成为默认 Python 3. 为此,您必须在调用python3时明确告诉系统使用python3.7 ,使用替代 system


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