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[英]Return the dictionary from multiple lists of dictionaries with the highest value in a specific key


    regionA = [dict(is_buy_order=True, price=1000, type=1),
               dict(is_buy_order=True, price=100, type=2),
               dict(is_buy_order=False, price=10, type=2)]
    regionB = [dict(is_buy_order=False, price=10, type=1),
               dict(is_buy_order=True, price=100, type=1),
               dict(is_buy_order=True, price=1000, type=2)]

考虑到来自 regionA 和 regionB 的数据,我想返回类型 1 和类型 2 的键“价格”和键“is_buy_order”中值“真”的字典。




both_regions = regionA + regionB
result = sorted([d for d in both_regions if d['is_buy_order']],
                key=lambda x: x['price'], reverse=True)[0]


{'is_buy_order': True, 'price': 1000, 'type': 1}

您可以将字典集转换为 pandas dataframe,它会让您的生活更轻松:(这不是完整的代码,但沿着这些线......)

import pandas as pd
Region = dict(regionA,regionB)
df = pd.DataFrame(Region, columns= ['Region','BuyOrder', 'Price','Type'])
df.sort_values(by=['Price'], inplace=True)
regionA = [dict(is_buy_order=True, price=1000, type=1),
  dict(is_buy_order=True, price=100, type=2),
  dict(is_buy_order=False, price=10, type=2)]

regionB = [dict(is_buy_order=False, price=10, type=1),
               dict(is_buy_order=True, price=100, type=1),
               dict(is_buy_order=True, price=1000, type=2)]

c = regionA + regionB
type1 = dict(price=0)
type2 = dict(price=0)
for item in c:
  if (type1["price"]  < item["price"]) and item["is_buy_order"] and item["type"]==1:
    type1 = item
  if (type2["price"] < item["price"]) and item["is_buy_order"] and item["type"]==2:
    type2 = item

print('type1 max price', type1)
print('type2 max price', type2)

这应该有效。 首先,我将列表regionAregionB连接成一个列表total_data 然后对于每种类型,我从满足is_buy_order为 true 且type为相应类型的约束的所有订单中找到最高价格。

total_data = regionA + regionB    
maxType1 = max([order['price'] for order in total_data if order['is_buy_order'] and order['type'] == 1])
maxType2 = max([order['price'] for order in total_data if order['is_buy_order'] and order['type'] == 2])

您可以通过执行regionC = regionA + regionB来连接字典。


 type_1 = max((x for x in regionC if x['is_buy_order'] and x['type'] == 1), key=lambda x: x['price'])
 type_2 = max((x for x in regionC if x['is_buy_order'] and x['type'] == 2), key=lambda x: x['price'])

output 将是:

{'is_buy_order': True, 'price': 1000, 'type': 1}
{'is_buy_order': True, 'price': 1000, 'type': 2}

如果您不想考虑type ,则可以将其从列表推导中删除。 那么,就会

 type_1 = max((x for x in regionC if x['is_buy_order']), key=lambda x: x['price'])


max([d for d in regionA + regionB if  d['is_buy_order']], key=lambda d: d['price']))


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