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在 swift 中将 String 类型数组转换为 Float 类型数组无法将“String”类型的值分配给“Double”类型的下标

[英]Convert String type array to Float type array in swift Cannot assign value of type 'String' to subscript of type 'Double'




var numbersString = [["564,00", "577,00", "13,00"], ["563,00", "577,00", "14,00"]] → I have
var numbersFloat = [[564.00, 577.00, 13.00], [563.00, 577.00, 14.00]] → I need


for row in 0...numbersString.count-1 {
    for col in 0...numbersString[0].count-1 {
        numbersFloat[row][col] = numbersString[row][col]
Error: Cannot assign value of type 'String' to subscript of type 'Double'
for row in 0...numbersString.count-1 {
    for col in 0...numbersString[0].count-1 {
            var a = table[row][col]
            table[row][col] = Float(a)

您可以使用NumberFormatter处理包含使用逗号作为小数分隔符的浮点数的字符串。 我通常将自定义格式化程序包装在 class 中。 看起来像这样:

class FloatFormatter {
    let formatter: NumberFormatter
    init() {
        formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.decimalSeparator = ","

    func float(from string: String) -> Float? {
        formatter.number(from: string)?.floatValue


var numbersString = [["564,00", "577,00", "13,00"], ["563,00", "577,00", "14,00"]]
var numbersFloat: [[Float]] = [[564.00, 577.00, 13.00], [563.00, 577.00, 14.00]]

let floatFormatter = FloatFormatter()
for row in 0...numbersString.count-1 {
    for col in 0...numbersString[0].count-1 {
        numbersFloat[row][col] = floatFormatter.float(from: numbersString[row][col])!

这行得通,但它不是很Swifty。 使用 map 会更好(这样您就不必担心匹配 arrays 的大小并预先分配浮点数组)。

let floatFormatter = FloatFormatter()
let numbersString = [["564,00", "577,00", "13,00"], ["563,00", "577,00", "14,00"]]
let numbersFloat = numbersString.map { (row: [String]) -> [Float] in
    return row.map { stringValue  in
        guard let floatValue = floatFormatter.float(from: stringValue) else {
            fatalError("Failed to convert \(stringValue) to float.")
        return floatValue


var numbersString = [["564.00", "577.00", "13.00"], ["563.00", "577.00", "14.00"]]

var numbersFloat: [[Float]] = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0.0, count: numbersString[0].count), count: numbersString.count)

for row in 0...numbersString.count - 1 {
    for col in 0...numbersString[0].count - 1 {

        print(row, col, numbersString[row][col])
        print(Float(numbersString[row][col]) ?? 0)
        numbersFloat[row][col] =  Float(numbersString[row][col]) ?? 0

这将适用于两个“。” 和“,”分隔符。

var numbersString = [["564,00", "577,00", "13,00"], ["563,00", "577,00", "14,00"]]

let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
let decimalSeparator = ","
numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator

let numbersFloat = numbersString.map({ $0.compactMap({ numberFormatter.number(from: $0.replacingOccurrences(of: ".", with: decimalSeparator))?.floatValue })})

对于所有人:NumberFormatter 具有.locale属性,并且在创建格式化程序时,区域设置设置为当前设备区域设置。 但小数分隔符在不同国家/地区有所不同。 当一切都对您甚至 QA 都很好,但对生产中的用户不起作用时,它可能会导致非常不愉快的错误。 因此,以所述方式控制 String-to-Double 转换始终是最佳选择。


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