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如何从不同的文件调用方法而不将其导入 python

[英]How to call a method from a different file without importing it in python

  1. MainLibrary.py - 此文件中提供了所有重要的方法
  2. SecondaryLibrary.py - 此文件中有具体方法,不能放在 MainLibrary.py 文件中

有些旧脚本只导入 MainLibrary,不导入 SecondayLibrary 文件。 在这里,当调用这些旧脚本时 - 不是从 mainlibrary 文件访问方法,而是可以从 secondaryLibrary 文件访问方法而不更改脚本或 MainLibrary 文件中的任何内容。


MainLibrary.py 文件:

class MainLibrary:
    def x(self, a =0, b=0, c= 0):
        """ Do some operation with these values"""
    def y(self, a=0,b=0,c=0):
    """Do some operation with these values"""

SecondaryLibrary.py 文件

class SecondaryLibrary:
    def xy(self, a=0, b=0, c=0):
        """Compute the value of C based on the values of a and b and then do some operation"""


“旧脚本将接收参数“a 和 b”的值,而 C 将始终为 0” 但是,根据新要求,我需要根据 a 和 b 的值计算 C 的值 - 所有计算部分以 xy 方法处理"

注意:我无权编辑 MainLibrary 文件或脚本,一切都必须在 SecondaryLibrary 文件中处理


from MainLibrary import *
obj = MainLibrary()
"get the values of a and b"
Here when method X is called --> i need to call method "xy" from the sceondaryLibrary file.

您可以在脚本中构造一个 class 来执行您的要求;

# MainLibrary.cs
class MainLibrary(object):

    def x(self, a, b, c):
        return a + b + c

    def y(self, a, b, c):
        return a * b * c

# SecondaryLibrary.cs
class SecondaryLibrary(object):

    def xy(self, a, b,c ):
        return c - a - b

# Script.cs
from MainLibraryimport MainLibrary
from SecondaryLibrary import SecondaryLibrary

class Script(MainLibrary, SecondaryLibrary):

    def x(self, a, b, c):
        # As in your question this is how we specify that calling
        # obj.x should return the result of .xy
        return super().xy(a, b, c)

    def y(self, a, b, c):
        return super().y(a, b, c)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    obj = Script()
    result = obj.x(1, 2, 5)
    print(result) # gives 5 - 2 - 1 => 2


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