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如何使用 UIAlertController 在 Swift 上暂停代码并等待 UIAlert 的回答

[英]How to pause the code and wait for an answer from UIAlert on Swift using UIAlertController



  • MyProblem:我的问题是 - 我正在制作番茄钟应用程序,我让用户设置 TimeLabel(时间),现在如果用户在 session 中,他想改变他能够做到这一点的时间,虽然如果他尝试这样做并且一旦他改变了时间并想取消它,用户当然可以这样做,现在问题是我正在使用 UiAlertController 等待用户的回答,但其中我也使用我的 function 更新设置标签/参数。


我的代码:我的更新设置 function:

//Updating the UserSettings:
func updateSettingsLabels(cell: PickerTableViewCell, rowIndex: Int) {
    let identifier = cell.reuseIdentifier

    switch identifier {
    case T.Identifiers.workIntervalID:
        workInterval.text = timesDictionary[rowIndex]
        self.workIntervalString = timesDictionary[rowIndex] // set string
        let myString = workInterval.text!
        oldTime = workInterval.text! // setting up the old time
        saveTime(labelText: myString)
    case T.Identifiers.shortBreakID:
        shortBreak.text = timesDictionary[rowIndex]
        self.shortBreakString = timesDictionary[rowIndex] // set string
        saveShortBreak(breakText: shortBreak.text!)
    case T.Identifiers.longBreakTimeID:
        longBreakTime.text = timesDictionary[rowIndex]
        self.longBreakString = timesDictionary[rowIndex] // set string
        saveLongBreak(longBreakText: longBreakString!)
    case T.Identifiers.breakAfterIntervalsID: // after how much intervals we will take a long break
        longBreakAfter.text = intervalsDictionary[rowIndex]
        self.longBreakAfterIntervals = intervalsDictionary[rowIndex] // set string
        saveBreakAfterIntervals(breakAfterIntervals: longBreakAfterIntervals!)

    case T.Identifiers.dailyIntervalsID: // daily intervals
        dailyIntervals.text = intervalsDictionary[rowIndex]
        self.dailyIntervalsString = intervalsDictionary[rowIndex] // set string
        saveDailyIntervals(dailyIntervals: dailyIntervalsString!)
        print("There was a problem with Switch")

我的 UiAlert Function:

func alertTheUser() {
    //If we want to print something on the screen, we use UIAlertController:
    let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Do you want to aboard this task?", message: "Once you change the time in a middle of a session, you will reset all tasks.", preferredStyle: .alert)
    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel, handler: { (alertToCancel) in
        self.userWantToChangeSettings = false
        print("Im being changed!")

    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .destructive, handler: { (action) in

        self.userWantToChangeSettings = true
    self.present(alert, animated: true)

我必须通知你们,我也使用 UIPicker 让用户从可选时间中选择时间,这是我的代码:

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int, forCell cell: PickerTableViewCell) {

    if self.timerIsOnFire == true {
    updateSettingsLabels(cell: cell, rowIndex: row)
    self.delegate?.userSettings(interval: self.workIntervalString, shortBreak:self.shortBreakString, longBreak:self.longBreakString, breakAfterIntervals:self.longBreakAfterIntervals,dailyIntervals:self.dailyIntervalsString )

将您的警报 function 与这样的完成处理程序一起使用

func alertTheUser(completion:@escaping ()->Void) {
    //If we want to print something on the screen, we use UIAlertController:
    let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Do you want to aboard this task?", message: "Once you change the time in a middle of a session, you will reset all tasks.", preferredStyle: .alert)
    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel, handler: { (alertToCancel) in
        self.userWantToChangeSettings = false
        print("Im being changed!")

    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .destructive, handler: { (action) in

        self.userWantToChangeSettings = true
    self.present(alert, animated: true)


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