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function 调用 ASYNC/AWAIT

[英]function call with ASYNC/AWAIT

我确定这个问题是由于我缺乏异步/等待知识。 但是,我无法弄清楚我做错了什么。 最终目标是 addSupplier() 进程等待 getSupplier() function 完成处理,直到它继续。

背景信息:这是使用 HTML、JS 和 Postgres 的更大的 Electron 应用程序的内部。 这段代码正在处理来自 HTML 表单的请求,将供应商插入表中,然后刷新位于同一页面上的 HTML 表。 HTML 代码未显示,但如果需要我可以包含。

当前代码 - 未拆分为单独的函数 - 按需要工作:

function addSupplier(){
  const connString = getConnData();
  const client = new Pool(connString)
  client.connectionTimeoutMillis = 4000;

  var supplierID = document.getElementById("dbSupplierID").value;
  var supplierName = document.getElementById("dbSupplierName").value;
  var supplierUnit = document.getElementById("dbSupplierUnit").value;

  const supplier_insert_query = {
    text: "INSERT INTO suppliers(supplier_id, company, unit)VALUES('"+ supplierID +"', '"+ supplierName +"', '"+ supplierUnit +"')",

  const supplier_select_query = {
    text: "SELECT supplier_id AS id, company, unit FROM suppliers",
    rowMode: 'array',

  // Connect to client, catch any error. 
  .then(() => console.log("Connected Successfuly"))
  .catch(e => console.log("Error Connecting"))
  .then(() => client.query(supplier_insert_query))
  .catch((error) => alert(error))
  .then( () => { // After inserting new author, run author query and refresh table. 
    .then(results => {
      // Create the static header for the table
      var table = ""; table_head = ""
      for (i=0; i<results.fields.length; i++) { if (i==3) {continue}
        table_head += '<th>' + results.fields[i].name + '</th>'

      // Create the body of the table
      for (j=0; j<results.rows.length; j++) { //j: rows, k: columns
        results.rows[-1] = []
        if (results.rows[j][0] == results.rows[j-1][0]) {continue}
        table += '<tr>'
        for (k=0; k<results.fields.length; k++) { if (k==3) {continue} // Skip creating the last column of this query. This data is only used to add information to the first column.
          if (k==0) { // When you've reached a session_id cell, write the names of the tests in this session in that cell
            var x=0; x = j; var tests = ''
            while (results.rows.length > x && results.rows[x][0] == results.rows[j][0]) {
             tests += '<br>' + (results.rows[x][3]==null ? '':results.rows[x][3]); x++
          table += `<td>${results.rows[j][k]}` + (k==0 ? `${tests}`:``) + '</td>'
        table += '</tr>'

      // Grab the constructed HTML strings and write them to the document to create the table there
      document.getElementById('supplier_table_head').innerHTML = ""
      document.getElementById('supplier_table').innerHTML = ""

      document.getElementById('supplier_table_head').innerHTML += table_head
      document.getElementById('supplier_table').innerHTML += table
    }).catch(e => console.error("ERROR in supplier table query\n",e.stack))
  // Clearing input fields.
  document.getElementById('dbSupplierID').value = ""
  document.getElementById('dbSupplierName').value = ""
  document.getElementById('dbSupplierUnit').value = ""

  // Preventing app refresh
  .finally(() => client.end())

编辑:我进行了异步更改,它似乎正确调用了 function 但 function 没有处理。 这就是我现在所拥有的。 如果我发出警报,它会处理警报“TypeError:Promise resolver undefined is not a function”,然后退出并刷新整个应用程序。

// Function to add a supplier to the DB
async function addSupplier(){
  const connString = getConnData();
  const client = new Pool(connString)
  client.connectionTimeoutMillis = 4000;

  var supplierID = document.getElementById("dbSupplierID").value;
  var supplierName = document.getElementById("dbSupplierName").value;
  var supplierUnit = document.getElementById("dbSupplierUnit").value;

  const supplier_insert_query = {
    text: "INSERT INTO suppliers(supplier_id, company, unit)VALUES('"+ supplierID +"', '"+ supplierName +"', '"+ supplierUnit +"')",

  // Connect to client, catch any error. 
  .then(() => console.log("Connected Successfuly")) // Connection is good
  .catch(e => console.log("Error Connecting"))      // CATCH - Connect error
  .then(() => client.query(supplier_insert_query))  // Run supplier insertion query
  .catch((error) => alert(error))                   // CATCH - error in insertion query
  .then(async () => {
    // wait for getSuppliers function to execute
    await getSuppliers();
  .then(() => {
    // Clearing input fields.
    document.getElementById('dbSupplierID').value = ""
    document.getElementById('dbSupplierName').value = ""
    document.getElementById('dbSupplierUnit').value = ""

    // Preventing app refresh
  .catch(e => console.error("ERROR in supplier table query\n",e.stack)) //Catch any error from getSuppliers
  .finally(() => client.end())                      // Close the connection

async function getSuppliers(){
  let promise = new Promise()
  // Query to pull all Suppliers info from database
  const supplier_select_query = {
    text: "SELECT supplier_id AS id, company, unit FROM suppliers",
    rowMode: 'array',

  // Query the database and pull the results into the HTML table
    .then(results => {
      // Create the static header for the table
      var table = ""; table_head = ""
      for (i=0; i<results.fields.length; i++) { if (i==3) {continue}
        table_head += '<th>' + results.fields[i].name + '</th>'

      // Create the body of the table
      for (j=0; j<results.rows.length; j++) { //j: rows, k: columns
        results.rows[-1] = []
        if (results.rows[j][0] == results.rows[j-1][0]) {continue}
        table += '<tr>'
        for (k=0; k<results.fields.length; k++) { if (k==3) {continue} // Skip creating the last column of this query. This data is only used to add information to the first column.
          if (k==0) { // When you've reached a session_id cell, write the names of the tests in this session in that cell
            var x=0; x = j; var tests = ''
            while (results.rows.length > x && results.rows[x][0] == results.rows[j][0]) {
             tests += '<br>' + (results.rows[x][3]==null ? '':results.rows[x][3]); x++
          table += `<td>${results.rows[j][k]}` + (k==0 ? `${tests}`:``) + '</td>'
        table += '</tr>'

      // Grab the constructed HTML strings and write them to the document to create the table there
      document.getElementById('supplier_table_head').innerHTML = ""
      document.getElementById('supplier_table').innerHTML = ""

      document.getElementById('supplier_table_head').innerHTML += table_head
      document.getElementById('supplier_table').innerHTML += table
  .finally(() => {return promise.resolve()})

您需要在 function 声明前加上async关键字才能在其中使用await关键字。

  .then(() => console.log("Connected Successfuly")) // Connection is good
  .catch(e => console.log("Error Connecting"))      // CATCH - Connect error
  .then(() => client.query(supplier_insert_query))  // Run supplier insertion query
  .catch((error) => alert(error))                   // CATCH - error in insertion query
  .then(async () => {
    // wait for getSuppliers function to execute
    await getSuppliers()

    // Clearing input fields.
    document.getElementById('dbSupplierID').value = ""
    document.getElementById('dbSupplierName').value = ""
    document.getElementById('dbSupplierUnit').value = ""

    // Preventing app refresh

await关键字等待 promise 在运行代码之前被解析( 在 Javascript 中等待)。 您还没有让getSuppliers创建或解析 promise,所以 await 不会在这里等待任何东西。 我自己对创建和解决承诺不是很熟悉,但是像promise = new Promise()getSuppliers开头并在最后return promise.resolve()这样的东西应该可以正常工作。

编辑:在箭头 function 和await getSuppliers()之前,您似乎也缺少async ,这也可能导致问题。 我可能已经假设承诺是问题所在,因为await关键字确实会尝试将任何不是 promise 的东西转换为已解决的问题,但我不熟悉它应该如何始终如一地工作。


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