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如何将两个结果和 pipe 组合到 apache-beam 管道中的下一步

[英]How to combine two results and pipe it to next step in apache-beam pipeline

请参见下面的代码片段,我希望["metric1", "metric2"]作为 RunTask.process 的输入。 然而,它分别用“metric1”和“metric2”运行了两次

def run():
  pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
  pipeline_options.view_as(SetupOptions).save_main_session = save_main_session
  p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)

  root = p | 'Get source' >> beam.Create([
      "source_name" # maybe ["source_name"] makes more sense since my process function takes an array as an input?

  metric1 = root | "compute1" >> beam.ParDo(RunLongCompute(myarg="1")) #let's say it returns ["metic1"]
  metric2 = root | "compute2" >> beam.ParDo(RunLongCompute(myarg="2")) #let's say it returns ["metic2"]

  metric3 = (metric1, metric2) | beam.Flatten() | beam.ParDo(RunTask()) # I want ["metric1", "metric2"] to be my input for RunTask.process. However it was run twice with "metric1" and "metric2" respectively


我了解您想以遵循以下语法的方式加入两个 PCollection: ['element1','element2'] 为了实现这一点,您可以使用CoGroupByKey()而不是Flatten()


def run():
  pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
  pipeline_options.view_as(SetupOptions).save_main_session = save_main_session
  p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)

  root = p | 'Get source' >> beam.Create([
      "source_name" # maybe ["source_name"] makes more sense since my process function takes an array as an input?

  metric1 = root | "compute1" >> beam.ParDo(RunLongCompute(myarg="1")) #let's say it returns ["metic1"]
  metric2 = root | "compute2" >> beam.ParDo(RunLongCompute(myarg="2")) #let's say it returns ["metic2"]

  metric3 = (
       (metric1, metric2) 
       | beam.CoGroupByKey() 
       | beam.ParDo(RunTask()) 

我想指出 Flatten() 和 CoGroupByKey() 之间的区别。

1) Flatten()接收两个或多个PCollection,存储相同的数据类型,合并为一个逻辑PCollection。 例如,

import apache_beam as beam

from apache_beam import Flatten, Create, ParDo, Map

p = beam.Pipeline()

adress_list = [
    ('leo', 'George St. 32'),
    ('ralph', 'Pyrmont St. 30'),
    ('mary', '10th Av.'),
    ('carly', 'Marina Bay 1'),
city_list = [
    ('leo', 'Sydney'),
    ('ralph', 'Sydney'),
    ('mary', 'NYC'),
    ('carly', 'Brisbane'),

street = p | 'CreateEmails' >> beam.Create(adress_list)
city = p | 'CreatePhones' >> beam.Create(city_list)

resul =(



('leo', 'George St. 32')
('ralph', 'Pyrmont St. 30')
('mary', '10th Av.')
('carly', 'Marina Bay 1')
('leo', 'Sydney')
('ralph', 'Sydney')
('mary', 'NYC')
('carly', 'Brisbane')

请注意,两个 PCollection 都在 output 中。 但是,一个附加到另一个。

2) CoGroupByKey()执行两个或多个具有相同键类型的键值 PCollection 之间的关系连接。 使用此方法,您将通过键执行连接,而不是像 Flatten() 中所做的那样追加。 下面是一个例子,

import apache_beam as beam

from apache_beam import Flatten, Create, ParDo, Map

p = beam.Pipeline()

address_list = [
    ('leo', 'George St. 32'),
    ('ralph', 'Pyrmont St. 30'),
    ('mary', '10th Av.'),
    ('carly', 'Marina Bay 1'),
city_list = [
    ('leo', 'Sydney'),
    ('ralph', 'Sydney'),
    ('mary', 'NYC'),
    ('carly', 'Brisbane'),

street = p | 'CreateEmails' >> beam.Create(address_list)
city = p | 'CreatePhones' >> beam.Create(city_list)

results = (
    (street, city)
    | beam.CoGroupByKey()
    #| beam.io.WriteToText('delete.txt')



('leo', (['George St. 32'], ['Sydney']))
('ralph', (['Pyrmont St. 30'], ['Sydney']))
('mary', (['10th Av.'], ['NYC']))
('carly', (['Marina Bay 1'], ['Brisbane']))

请注意,您需要一个主键才能加入结果。 此外,这 output 是您在您的情况下所期望的。


metrics3 = metric1 | beam.ParDo(RunTask(), metric2=beam.pvalue.AsIter(metric2))

在 RunTask 进程()中:

def process(self, element_from_metric1, metric2):


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