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[英]How to bring dialogue box window to appear at the front in Tkinter module of Python?

我正在使用 Python 2.7 Tkinter 模块来创建 GUI。 在这个 GUI 中有两个 windows:

  1. 要求用户输入内容的对话框。
  2. 用户输入值后加载的主用户界面。

The problem that I am facing is that the 2nd window appears before the 1st window such that the 2nd window covers up the whole 1st window so I literally have to drag out the 2nd window to enter the value in the 1st window such that the 2nd window加载。 如何确保第一个 window 即对话框始终出现在前面。

这是对话框 window 的代码。

top = TK()
value += tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Fruit", "Enter fruit number: e.g 3", parent=top)

使用top.lift()这将使您的 window 到前面。


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